There's a strong tradition of bashing other candidates here at dKos. Bitter Kerry supporters bash Dean. Bitter Dean supporters bash Kerry. Everybody bashes Lieberman.
So here it is - your "Bash Edwards" thread. There's a reason to this madness. Edwards has fast become my number two man. And I've noticed that he garners favorable impressions everywhere he goes; when he's not someone's number one pick, it seems he's frequently number two. Even over at Tacitus, serious misgivings are being expressed about the current administration - possibly to the point of being willing to vote Democratic to send a message to the RNC (their words, not mine) - and other posts have been reflecting favorably on Edwards from a conservative viewpoint as well.
We all know where Kerry's perceived weak points could be (rigid, unexciting, elitist). We all know where Dean's perceived weak points could be (angry, unelectable). But I don't know where Edwards' weak points are from an outside perspective. And I'd really like to - because if there are as few as it seems at this point, maybe the best strategy is to rally around Edwards, allowing the Kerry-Dean factions to unite without feeling bitter and bringing some disaffected conservatives into the fold, and watch a Democratic blowout in the general election.
So, Edwards skeptics: do your worst. Besides a relative lack of political experience (which could be beneficial, to avoid being snagged on voting record issues), where would Edwards be vulnerable in the general?