I don't understand why this is so complicated for Bush to understand. He and the Rep's have really messed this one up. Today's NYT story,
Audit Faults U.S. for Its Spending on Port Defense, details these failures:
According to the audit, the questionable projects that were financed include:
¶$130,000 for a closed-circuit television system at one port, awarded even after the department ranked the project 27th of 29 applications and stated in its internal review documents that "these initiatives would be redundant to what the port authority has in place."
¶$180,000 to install security lights at a port that the department noted is a "small, remote facility that receives less than 20 ships per year."
¶$10,000 to one port for encrypted radios that the field staff concluded were not needed and perhaps not compatible with federal and state radios.