Oh Hai!! Here at Top Comments we round up some of the site's best, funniest, most mojo'd and most informative commentary. We depend on your help with talent spotting. If you see a comment that deserves recognition, please send it to topcomments at teh gmail by 9:30pm Eastern. Please include a few words about why you sent it in as well as your user name, so we can credit you with the find! kthxbai!
And there was great rejoicing!!
I mentioned last week that we were thiiiiiiis close to having our freakin' long PITA pile of paperwork adoption dossier submitted. Well, as of approximately noon today, it's out of Our hands and into Theirs. That envelope containing One Original and Two Exact Photocopies held together by Paper Clips (No Staples Please) was hand-delivered to our adoption caseworker. Who was absolutely thrilled to see it :-). She'd all but given up hope on us, until we buckled down and accumulated everything. Today, however, she knew we were serious. We had The Dossier (tm) - and a check for $700! Some read-thrus by their dossier expert, a tweak here and there, and we're on the ready-to-go list.
So, we sat to talk about what comes next. Knowing from our homestudy that we were interested in older children (how a 4-8yo can be considered older boggles the mind in any situation but adoption), she'd invited the head of the "waiting kids" program to attend our meeting. The traditional referral process in general matches children to the next family on the ready-to-go list who are qualified for that age kid. "Waiting kids" fall outside that process, either because they have a special medical need or are, to be blunt, too old. Most people request children under three years old. Given that Kid Brillig turns 11 next month, we wanted someone a bit older.
What we heard today both stunned us and has us floating in the clouds:
Given your preferences, and the waits we've seen, I think we'll have a match for you in a couple of weeks or so. Are you ready to move that quickly?
Now a match that soon does not mean we'll be traveling in July. After we accept a match, it will be anywhere from two to five months before we travel. I fully expect to be there as planned in Pittsburgh, as well as Netroots Nation in SL (of which I am on the Executive Planning Committee and thereby am contractually obligated to pimp at every opportunity :-)). But it's coming soon.
I hope that you, my TC family, don't mind following me on this journey. I promise to take gorgeous pictures of Ethiopia and share, if you promise to bear with me (and send in comments a'plenty since I'll have even less time to mine then! :-))
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I now stop stressing that we'll never be ready in time long enough to bring you Top Comments! First up, let's find out what was sent to the TC mailbox...
From pixxer:
In Al Rodgers' diary Cheney's Legacy, PhotogHog paints Cheney as an average guy who got in way over his head, and drove the country "by his fearfulness" for eight years. The world is still paying the price of our error.
From kestrel9000:
In Granny Doc's diary It's Time For Another Reminder, this comment by enhydra lutris shows what happens when folks dismiss certain people as DFH's... and the DFH's get tired of being dismissed, and walk away. Always remember what Gandhi said: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. But that doesn't work if you get lazy or give up.
From Hedwig:
In his I beat the rap diary on the 'arguments' over torture, The Termite also comments why the GOP is playing it out this way. Perfect analysis.
From Timroff:
Moody Loner teaches MadScientist how to speak deferentially when referring to the former VPOTUS in The Termite's satirical takedown of those who would defend torture.
Diarist's note: It took a full five minutes to compose myself enough to continue after that one. Just sayin' is all...
From rjnerd:
Dave from Oregon gives us the real reason for abstinence education.
From MooseHB:
rssrai wonders about Twitter. Styve replies.
From Your Humble TC Diarist du Jour:
TrueBlueMajority on Pat Robertson's comment in the Media Matters video.
droogie6655321 is short and direct in McJoan's Obama Blocks Release of More Torture Photos
One additional comment, a direct submission to my inbox. I have permission to share it:
From cskendrick:
A long time ago, MKK and I had our first child. A fairly recent song at the time was Celine Dion's "A New Day Has Come". For us, this song (among others) has come to represent rebirth and the joy of adding love and life to a household.
Well, a dear friend, one of the dearest really, got a lot closer to getting her wish answered. I can assure you all, from the vantage of a family with two "pods" as we call them, the second is always a different joy.. and an impossible one to imagine not having around once they, too, are part of one's world, one's family, one's heart and one's soul.
So, I don't really have a comment, per se... past this wishing her every good thing, and every blessed joy.
Oh, the Celine song in question comes with a slow piano version. I found this video for it.
Share the tissues please, and when everyone's composed again we'll head to Top Mojo! The magic formula of cskendrick/sardonyx works every time!
Top 30 (plus ties) Comments with exclusions:
1) Indeed ... by Meteor Blades — 187
2) A single death is a tragedy by micropenis — 129
3) but it always bears repeating by billlaurelMD — 101
4) Cheney wants America to be an empire by FishOutofWater — 100
5) combating jury nullification by Al Rodgers — 86
6) "They Won't Have Access And They Never Will." by robertacker13 — 84
7) I don't care what letter follows their name... by Inventor — 82
8) I'd quit my job and start my own business by terrypinder — 80
9) Thank you Cenk, I have been losing my mind by MinistryOfTruth — 77
10) This is torture on our own troops by MsGrin — 76
11) Yes by annetteboardman — 69
12) The Overbearing Being of Lightness. by hotdamn — 66
13) "Sarah, Plain and Wingnutty" by Dump Terry McAuliffe — 66
14) For shame! by Moody Loner — 66
15) Alternate title: "Carpe Per Diem" n/t by Dump Terry McAuliffe — 62
16) Private insurance by ulookarmless — 61
17) It's Not Baffling To The Rest Of Us: by leonard145b — 60
18) "In What Respect?" by Arken — 60
19) These Criminals Should Be Prosecuted by JekyllnHyde — 57
20) Bullshit. by Jyrinx — 57
21) Brain Freeze: The Sarah Palin Story by Rich in PA — 55
22) Rec list BEFORE he posted ... by MikeTheLiberal — 55
23) Al has an awsome catchers mitt... by Oke — 55
24) The Living Dead by Jeff Y — 54
25) Eh...leave the guy alone why don't ya... by David Kroning — 54
26) She absolutely belonged in jail. by Jyrinx — 53
27) Excellent work by Sharon Jumper — 52
28) When my son was there in 2003- by Dreaming of Better Days — 52
29) Pretty interesting stuff. by Calvino Partigiani — 52
30) How is not releasing the photos. . . by Dailyfare — 52
31) yes, and by itsbenj — 52
Top 30 comments with no exclusions:
1) Not exactly a new argument, I know by Devilstower — 538
2) Tip jar by The Termite — 434
3) Tip Jar by Jesselyn Radack — 360
4) figure it out by Turkana — 341
5) Tips n/t by Cenk Uygur — 308
6) VooDoo by Al Rodgers — 277
7) Powerful. But there are about ... by Meteor Blades — 276
8) Alms (tips) by Muskegon Critic — 264
9) Heavy duty shit, Al by litho — 262
10) Urinal/Spittoon by The Baculum King — 230
11) Odd tips for the odd guy by WineRev — 207
12) IANAL by Crashing Vor — 198
13) Indeed ... by Meteor Blades — 187
14) tips for post-practice noms :) by phillygirl64 — 181
15) Tips for New York Assemblymen by jpmassar — 135
16) A single death is a tragedy by micropenis — 129
17) but it always bears repeating by billlaurelMD — 101
18) Cheney wants America to be an empire by FishOutofWater — 100
19) Agree. by doc2 — 100
20) remember to stretch by Debbie in ME — 97
21) My deepest condolences by Sandy on Signal — 94
22) Hey! I'm here early for a change! by mcronan — 92
23) combating jury nullification by Al Rodgers — 86
24) "They Won't Have Access And They Never Will." by robertacker13 — 84
25) I don't care what letter follows their name... by Inventor — 82
26) like dis by Debbie in ME — 82
27) Daily Doll - Mai couch, Mai blanket by funluvn1 — 82
28) I'd quit my job and start my own business by terrypinder — 80
29) Thank you Cenk, I have been losing my mind by MinistryOfTruth — 77
30) This is torture on our own troops by MsGrin — 76