Summary: The Separatist movement is only gaining steam after its defeat on Geonosis. Anakin Skywalker, a political favorite of the Chancellor, has grown in powers but has still not been allowed to take the test to become a Master.
Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers that the Banking Clan, a financial entity that funds the Separatists, has begun to also build weapons. This open act of aggression has Yoda and the Chancellor in agreement that they must be stopped with military means. However, the armies of the Republic and Jedi Generals are spread thin on several other battlefields, so it appears that there are no other Masters to aid Obi-Wan in leading such a large assault. The Chancellor suggests that Anakin lead the space forces, and Obi-Wan take the ground troops. Yoda and Obi-Wan protest that Anakin is not experienced enough, but are overruled.
Equivalent/Interpretation: "Friendly" Muslim states increasingly side with Bin Laden, both on the street and in the governments. Bush has few available units to commit to the resulting skirmishes, and sends National Guard Units and newly minted officers to handle the job. He receives much protest from Intelligence and Armed Forces, but overrules them.
Current Alignment with world stage: 50%
Possibility of Alignment within 12 months: 75%
Tin-Foil extrapolation from Star Wars mythos: Banking Clan is actually allowing Chancellor to funnel funds in secret to separatists. Oil Companies serve as money laundering conduit for Administration to fuel the War on Terror on both sides. Attack on Clan enables Chancellor to seize assets and recoup his initial investment. Bush uses "treason" of "friendly" states to seize their oil and funds.