There are only 4 days remaining until Tuesday's Democratic primary in Ohio and one candidate is in the lead. The Mayor of Chillicothe, and democratic challenger Joe Sulzer is making it clear he will be the Democratic Nominee.
On Friday morning two of the largest local papers in the district, >The Zanesville Times Recorder and The Coshocton Tribune released their endorsement for Joe for US House.
Fundraising numbers from last quarter speak for themselves and place Joe far ahead of any other candidates. At the end of the quarter Joe had raised $111,000 while Space had only raised $70,000 and Stewart either has failed to raise $5,000 or neglected to file. Furthermore, Space even filed his preprimary finance report with the FEC a day late.
Joe has made media buys in Columbus and Zanesville media markets while Space and Stewart have only had the ability to purchase some local cable. Joe ad can be viewed at
And to wrap up, Bob Ney or whoever the republicans run will undoubtedly go very negative and we need a democrat that isn't afraid to fight back.
Wednesday morning Team Sulzer kicked off their Clean Up Congress Tour at the entrance to Ney's Neighborhood in Heath, OH. The three day tour is making stops in 12 communities that have paid the price for Ney's 12 years of corruption in the House.

*Campaign Staff