Here's a thought, if you want stimulus funds for your state and district, how about you vote for them?
Every single Republican in the House voted against the $819 billion Recovery Act in January. Among the Republican senators who voted against the stimulus were Texas’ Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn. Both of them complained that they wanted to see more tax cuts rather than government spending.
But now, both Hutchison and Cornyn are pressuring the Obama administration to give Texas $3 billion in stimulus funds. The co-signers on the letter are a bipartisan group of the Texas delegation in the House, including 19 Republicans, all of whom also voted against the funds for which they’re now begging.
Not all is lost, though. It's clear that the first stimulus package, larded up with non-stimulating tax cuts, was inadequate for the task. It's time to seriously consider a second round. These Republican hypocrites can stop whining about stimulus funds they voted against, and lead for a new round of stimulus funding that would help cash-strapped states and truly help kick start our moribund economy.
Those Texas Republicans, including Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn, want $3 billion for NASA. Great! Make that part of Stimulus II, and this time, vote for the damn thing.