This is a live thread on the motion to proceed on debate of the Senate health care reform bill.
Earlier diaries:
*Live blog 1 by Gorette.
*Live blog 2 by Doctor Who.
*Live blog 3 by Adam Blomeke.
*Live blog 4 by jnhobbs.
*Live blog 5 by Jahiz
*Live blog 6 by Benintn.
*Live blog 7 by ericlewis0.
*Live blog 8
This is the new mothership diary--Gorette's was the original mothership, but she's unable to tend it.
Debate started around 9:00 AM EST and will go on throughout the day until "hopefully" successful Cloture vote which Reid has scheduled for 8:00 PM EST. Watch online at C-SPAN2.
The big news so far--Mary Landrieu and Blanche Lincoln have announced they will vote for cloture, ensuring that debate will go forward. Neither have committed either way on the final bill--though Landrieu sounded like she was leaning aye while Lincoln isn't as certain.
Every single Republican, at last report, will vote against cloture--meaning that in all likelihood it'll pass by the barest of margins. And this while Max Baucus is tending to a family emergency. Classy, Republicans.