After months of looking for work my search is over. I am now a paid progressive activist with Fund for the Public Interest.
The Fund: Experts In Building Organizations, Winning Campaigns & Training Activists
Fund for the Public Interest’s 25-year commitment to professional, systematic grassroots action has made us the go-to group in our field. When it comes to building organizations and creating the groundswell of public support needed to overcome powerful special interest opposition, our effectiveness is unrivaled.
In 20 states, the Fund trains our staff to raise money, recruit members and do grassroots political work on behalf of more than 50 progressive organizations — including the Sierra Club, the Human Rights Campaign and Environment America. Meanwhile, hundreds of Fund alumni lead the way for hundreds of other effective political organizations, elected officials, and socially-conscious businesses.
Fund for the Public Interest
Just when you think things can't get any worse, a door opens somewhere.
Instead of finding employment in the Corporate world of consumerism which I abhor I am glad to say that my work will be for the good of all. Though I will not be getting rich quick in this position, I hope to excel at it and learn as much as I can while employed in this capacity.
I have not posted an article in the last week, but I promise to return to my usual output as much as I am able to. I appreciate all of the help and support that you, my dear friends, have been so kind to offer. It reaffirms my belief in the general good in people.
So, I will be standing outside in the cold December air soliciting funds for progressive causes. If you see a guy in New York City who is holding a binder and asking for a minute of your time for our environment, I hope you will stop and say hello. I just hope this job lasts and I hope I succeed at it, as I'd rather live sustainably while working for the issues I care about than live lavishly selling some crap nobody really needs.
I offer my thanks to everyone who has been so supportive for me, and though I am not out of the woods yet, at least I can see the sun peaking through.
I hope for the best for you and yours, and offer my heartfelt thanks to those who offered help. I hope to be able to return the favor someday. It is good karma.
You can follow me on
Crossposted at The Progressive and