So there seems to be a heaping helping of doom and gloom in DKosville today. A plethora of diaries with scathing anger, frustrated hopelessness and more then a little conservative bashing. The recommended diaries, which are a reflection of the overall mood I'm sure, are some of the most biting, severe diaries I have read in a while, including
Here, and
Here. Yes, we currently live a country which is being slowly torn apart by fear mongering, war mongering and inept governance, and yes, Dr. Phil just hosted the 4th special on CBS which is reason enough move abroad, but we also live in the greatest country in the world and it's the Fourth of July, so let's try some perspective here.
There is a seed change happening here, and its slow, painfully slow for those of us who gather here every day, but it is happening. Follow me below the fold and I'll explain.
I spent the long weekend in Philadelphia and attended no less then four barbecues and two fireworks displays. I wont make you listen to some teary eyed spiel about land of the free, home of the brave because I had a few burnt hamburgers and watched some sparklers, but think about it; I'm not rich, I'm not royalty, and yet I spent the last four days sitting around with friends on balconies and in back yards, sipping beer, sampling grilled delicacies, enjoying the sun, marveling at the fireworks and discussing the vagaries of the infield fly rule, and last but not least, talking politics. Bashing Bush, condemning the conservatives, hammering the hammer, you get the drift.
I talked a ton of politics this long weekend with people of every persuasion. Politics and public opinion are cyclical somewhat. Something works for a few years, something like Rovian tactics, but then they take it too far and expose their flaws and public opinion swings back around. Everyone is pissed off. Democrats, republicans and independents alike are not happy with their own party and even less thrilled with the others. There is no one who gets people excited about 08. The general feeling is that everything is political, no one says what they think or feel, instead they simply say what the party wants them to or what they think likely voters want to hear.
Well that opens up an opportunity, an opportunity for someone with some sense and convictions and charisma to take back what we rightfully feel this country has lost. Maybe it won't happen in 08 maybe it's a long-term movement, but the seeds of change have been planted. Maybe it is Russ Feingold. This weekend, my conservative republican friend who voted for Bush in 00 and 04 told me that after watching Meet the Press last weekend, the candidate he is most excited about for 08 is good old Russ. Because Russ said what we felt regardless of party line and said it simply and powerfully.
There is hope on this July 4th. 70% of the voters in this country are up for grabs, just waiting for someone to bring back the America we can be proud of when we travel abroad. We all know about the 30%, those 30% without enough sense or compassion to ever go against dear leader. The 30% who need to follow the pundits down the road towards hatred of all things different, merely because they feel safer and cooler as part of a group. Forget about that 30%. The other 70% are rational, concerned, frustrated. If you give that 70% a well-reasoned argument, they will listen to you and that is where my hope lies. Now we just need a democratic party that can make that argument, and that may take patience.
But America will survive. Sites like this one move us closer, conversations like I had this weekend move us closer, every day rethug screw ups move us closer, closer to a people powered party that actually represents the 70%.
Far be it from me to give advice to the DKos community, most of whom have written far more eloquently then I, but may I modestly propose that we not give in to hate. That if what we become known for is anger and frustration; we will not represent the 70%. We have reason and truth and patriotism on our side, we don't need to sink to their tactics or suggest that all conservatives are evil. Of course we are frustrated but we must have hope or else we run the risk of turning into a forum for whining and sob stories. And if we cannot have hope on this day, what does that say about us?
So why do I have hope? Because I went to the "Welcome America" Celebration tonight, over 100,000 people in Philly dancing to Lionel Richie, black white, young old, poor rich, dancing in the rain and celebrating freedom and joy. Because I'm in my 20s and people my age are 100 times more politically aware then even just a few years ago. Because hundreds of people were talking politics everywhere I went this weekend. Because on my way home late Saturday night I called the police to report a tree down in the street near my house and by 8am the next morning it had been removed. Because I can wave the flag and bad mouth our president at the same time and no one thinks it odd, let alone tries to stop me. Because today in towns great and small, conservative and liberal, millions of families are getting together to wave flags, grill, and stare mouth agape at fantastic fireworks displays. Because even with all of our problems there is hope and joy and opportunity in abundance around us everyday. And how many countries can truly claim that?
Becuase we can shout from the rooftops, "Fuck Bush!!" and still sleep easy at night (of course they may start looking into my bank records, but the joke's on them, I'm broke) and that makes this country great.
I have lived in other countries, but I always come back. The 4th of July is a time to realize how lucky we are, how despite our flaws and our profoundly flawed leaders, we can take the long view and work doggedly for the change and the hope we want to see.
Happy Independence Day.