From the
Multnomah County Democratic Party commons:

Call `em weasels. Quit groping for that perfect word characterizing the audacious atrocities committed by the weasel-Right Wing.
In an upcoming book, a Portland author categorizes people into four Ws, "warriors, workers, whiners & weasels." Obviously, the big W in the Whitehouse is a warrior who uses weasel tactics. Then there's Condo-weasel Rice, who will never provide a fully-honest answer to a question. Q: When will we pull out troups out? A: "We've trained 120,000 Iraqi security forces," she asserts. Of course only about 5 remain at work.
Here's what the author says about weasels and their deleterious effect upon our culture...
"[weasels]have imbedded themselves in our social, political, and corporate cultures at the highest levels, making corruption, manipulation, and outright deceit more the rule than the exception.
"Weasel behavior is so common now that instead of immediately condemning it, we have come to expect it, sometimes even embrace it, lowering our expectations of our fellow man. Our tolerance level for the selfish, lying, destructive, and sometimes deadly habits of Weasels has risen to a point that should cause us all concern about the coming years. Weasels are wearing us down, often winning the battle due to society's hesitation to hold ourselves to a higher standard, and the easy temptations that Weasels use as recruiting tools.
" 'Lowering the bar' has even more serious implications for our future, as we teach our children to not only accept dishonesty, harmful self-obsession, and mediocrity, but often embrace them, as if they were legitimate life tools to be used at any cost to our fellow man."*
Let us Democrats not just be whiners, but when we see weasely behavior, such as Karen Minnis using surrogates to do her dirty work, let's use terms everyone understands - She's a weasel.
Jeff Merrick former chair of the Multnomah County Democratic Party
You can download a printable PDF of the "W"easel 'sticker' and print your own on aany printer, cut them out, and tape them on the inside of your car window. Just click on the image of the "W"easel oval sticker above or downlaod it here.
* copyright 2005 by Tim O'Leary