Well, many of us have gone out and gotten our "clothespins" (thanks NYCO) in anticipation of Sen "do you know who I AM"'s primary victory. Now I know much discussion has already happened over Kerry's potential VP choices. However, in addition the VP providing "balance" or whatnot, it can also be used symbolicly--sort of like Gore's choice was both brave (1st Jew) and safe (conservative dem Senator and moralist to appeal to swing voters and counter Bill Clinton with pants down).
Evan Bayh has been floated, but I suspect that this will make some Dean supporters need not only clothespins, but big bottles of tequila to get through the voting process. So, what would be the most acceptable VP choices for Kerry from the viewpoint of a Dean supporter? Who could be chosen that would be both politically feasible for Kerry, but not drive away the Deaniacs in droves? Sure we'd like Dean, but since that would never happen, who else can we think of?
I'm still partial to Max Cleland myself, if only because he and Dean have both been Osama'ed (although Dean's Osamaing came at the hands of his own party! ick!)
What do you think? Are there any reasonable VP choices that wouldn't have us reaching for the tequila?
P.S. if the the biggest political comeback in the history of the US takes place, all this is, of course, moot.