You guys hear about this? Devilstower wrote it up earlier today. The Dept of Homeland Security issues a report (PDF) about the rise of far-right militia types.
The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment.
— (U//LES) Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts. Nevertheless, the consequences of a prolonged economic downturn—including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit—could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those in the past.
— (U//LES) Rightwing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning [...]
— (U//FOUO) During the 1990s, these issues contributed to the growth in the number of domestic rightwing terrorist and extremist groups and an increase in violent acts targeting government facilities, law enforcement officers, banks, and infrastructure sectors.
— (U//FOUO) Growth of these groups subsided in reaction to increased government scrutiny as a result of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and disrupted plots, improvements in the economy, and the continued U.S. standing as the preeminent world power.
It's pretty clear that the report is discussing neo-Nazis and Timothy McVeigh militia types. You'd think no one would have a problem in the government keeping tabs on these most violent extremists in a bid to prevent another Oklahoma City bombing. But we don't live in a rational world. Instead, right-wing bloggers have whipped themselves up into a frenzy of outrage.
Apparently, they're really offended that their buddies in the violent militias and white supremacist neo-Nazi groups are being watched by law enforcement agencies.
"Sure", you say, "but that's just the wingnut bloggers. What else would you expect?" True. But that special brand of crazy -- defending neo-Nazi groups -- has now spread beyond the wingnutosphere.
Yesterday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tweeted that "The person who drafted the outrageous homeland security memo smearing veterans and conservatives should be fired." [...]
And not just Newt, but the usual conservative motley crew:
Sean Hannity and Dr. James Dobson chatted about this report on Fox News last night, which Hannity interpreted as targeting "people who think maybe we're not controlling our borders" and "people who have pro-life bumper stickers."
And the kicker, thick with irony:
Dobson said "there are no Timothy McVeighs out there right now. They're making a big deal out of something that hasn't happened and may not happen."
Got it? Consevatism has gone from "mushroom clouds" to "leave the poor neo-Nazis ALOOOONE!"
Update: From the comments:
We look at these extremists
and see a bunch of Nazis and skinheads. Newt looks at them and sees his base.