Lieberman said thathe firedhis campaign manager and spokesman, and asked for the resignations of his campaign staff.
"We did not answer, adequately answer, the distortions of my record on Iraq and my relationship with George Bush, that the Lamont campaign put out," said Lieberman, though he said he did not blame campaign workers.
Well, I am glad that Joementum is getting back at who is responsible; his worker bees of course. This is great news. This means he has to entirely restaff his operation. It's an opportunity. What dem consultants within their right skulls will sign on with Joementum?
I am predicting Ed Rollins and/or Pat Caddell will be attached to his campaign shorty. Ed is vacationing from working for Catherine Harris, and this gives Pat Caddell more face time on Hannity & Colmes.