I mentioned this in one of the "Orange Alert" threads, but it bears repeating.
It hasn't been widely reported (actually it's hardly been reported at all) but back in April, the FBI discovered hundreds of bombs, machine guns and 500,000 rounds of ammunition in the small East Texas town of Noonday, TX. Noonday is near Tyler, TX which is about a two hour drive from DFW Airport.
The inventory list of what was found is extensive, but the most startling discovery was the combination of sodium cyanide, acid and gunpowder. Mixed together it becomes a lethal chemical bomb capable of killing everyone inside a 30-thousand square foot building.
The story was also mentioned in the New York Times, not in the regular news section but in an editorial on the Op-Ed page.
The New York Times piece mentions that some of the bombs were disguised as suitcases and both stories mention that authorities are not sure if they've found everything yet and that there may be other bombs out there.
The author of the New York Times piece made a valid point, IMO when he wrote:
It is also worrisome that the discovery of lethal chemicals in President Bush's home state was not deemed occasion for a high-profile announcement by Attorney General John Ashcroft or other officials trumpeting the arrests of Mr. Krar and his compatriots. This stands in stark contrast to the department's news media onslaughts whenever alleged operatives for Al Qaeda have been apprehended in the United States.
Considering the fact that Texas is Bush's home state, and the plot was uncovered because of a package sent to New Jersey (close to New York City which has already been a target once) I think we should all have our guards up this holiday season.
Don't get me wrong. I hate the Bush Administrtion and everything they stand for, but perhaps this most recent Orange Alert isn't such a bad idea.
The last thing I would want to happen is for one of these right-wing fanatics to walk into a crowded airport baggage claim area, which by the way, one does not have to clear security to access, and casually set a suitcase down, walk away and then detonate it.
Or worse, have an accomplice create a diversion by causing a security breach, like when that one guy caused the entire Atlanta International Airport to be evacuated shortly after September 11, when he bypassed security and ran up the down escalator, and then setting off a suitcase bomb or two while thousands of travelers were outside waiting to get back in.
If either of these scenarios were to happen, no doubt Bush would blame it on Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia or whatever Middle Eastern country he would like to go to war with next.