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I was recently told that an effective way of contacting my Congress Critter is to write a hand written letter and then send it off to them. Apparently, the effort that goes into writing an actual letter is a clear signal that I mean business, much more so than a phone call that never reaches my Congressperson or an e-mail that can be easily deleted.
Therefore, I propose that we all get some "Get Well Cards" and send them off to our Representatives in Congress. That way, they will know we really, really care.
We know the votes are there. Are the vertebrae there is the question.
Choosing the right card is important. It can be funny or angry, home made or store bought, and you should definitely personalize the message on the inside.

The message should be as clear as daylight. We want health care reform with a real and robust public option. You want to get re-elected. We should work together in order to accomplish our goals.

Send one to both your Senators and your Congressional Representative, as well as your local State Representatives. Let them know that the American public will not tolerate bullshit on this issue, or any other issue where the status quo and Big Business stands in the way of real reform and progress.
Mailing addresses for your Representative in the House can be found here at
And your Senators mailing address can be found here at
The important people to contact are here, thanks to the hard work put in by slinkerwink, nyceve and others.
CALL the White House at: 202-456-1111 and E-MAIL them as well!
Contact these Senators to let your voice be heard
Please CALL Senator Max Baucus at (202) 224-2651
Please CALL Senator Olympia Snowe at (202) 224-5344
Please CALL Senator Charles Schumer at 202-224-6542
Please CALL Senator Edward Kennedy at (202) 224-4543
Please CALL Senator John Rockefeller at (202) 224-6472
Please CALL Senator Ron Wyden at (202) 224-5244
Please CALL Senator Kent Conrad at (202) 224-2043
Please CALL Senator Jeff Bingaman at (202) 224-5521
Please CALL Senator John Kerry at (202) 224-2742
Please CALL Senator Blanche Lincoln at 202-224-4843
Please CALL Senator Debbie Stabenow at (202) 224-4822
Please CALL Senator Maria Cantwell at 202-224-3441
Please CALL Senator Bill Nelson at 202-224-5274
Please CALL Senator Robert Menendez at 202-224-4744
Please CALL Senator Thomas Carper at (202) 224-2441
I have a few cards filled out for my Representatives, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and Nydia Velazquez, but I will be sending a lot more of them out today. I am making my "Get Well Cards" out of Construction Paper and Craft store material to give it that extra grassrootsy feeling, but if you do buy your cards, remember, the personalized message is the most important part. You can ad lib your message, or you can copy and click this one, which I feel best states our demands.
Every week we hear a new ploy.
Last week, it was the trigger, that was engineered to never be triggered. Didn't fly, did it.
This week, it's the co-op proposal, designed to leave the risk pools so fragmented and the co-ops so small as to have zero influence on the insanely inflated prices in the health care market. Yeah, we know why the Rick Scott groupies like this idea.
And now you're going on all the cable news bobblehead shows and saying "We don't have the votes!"
Well, I have one word in response: BULLSHIT!!
Cheers to meldroc for the inspirational words to our Congressional leaders.
So, who is with me! Obviously, our system in Washington is sick and needs our help. Won't you send your Congress Critter a "Get Well" card in the hopes that the brain fever they are suffering from will hel in time for real reform to happen?
P.S. - Apologies for flying off the handle in my diary yesterday. I hope there are no hard feelings. We are all in this fight together. Sometimes that gets forgotten. I am sorry if I went too far yesterday. I hope you guys and gals can forgive me.