He's baaaaaaaaaaacccckkkk.
and dumber and more dangerous than ever.
Americans for Prosperity, one of the wingnut welfare outfits behind the Great Teabagging, held an event in Wausau, Wisconsin yesterday, keynoted by the man who best personifies the Teabagging movement.
Referring to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., more than once, Wurzelbacher asked, "Why hasn't he been strung up?"
Murder. Sam Wurzlebacher is calling for murder.
Crossposted at docudharma.com
I mean, it's not like just saying "Someone should stop Dr. Tiller the baby killer." over and over could possibly lead to someone actually trying to do that, right?
And they used violence to do it? Perish the thought.
But then, this isn't even comparable. Even Bill O'Reilly never flat out stated "Why hasn't someone strung up Dr. Tiller yet?"
But Sam Wurzlebacher did.
Just imagine if Kos, Jon Stewart or some Democratic Politician said something like this about a conservative? The howls would reach to the moon!
Or even if some random blogger wrote something like "Why hasn't Joe The Plumber been hit in the face with a banana cream pie yet?"
Not as though I want to see this happen or endorse throwing pies at idiots, but I am thinking it loudly.
As evidenced by Keith Olbermann's recent DK diary, what is said in public can be used against you whether you intended for that to be or not, and it can be taken to the extreme by anyone in hearing distance.
But, as everything else, it seems there is a different set of rules if you're a Conservative Republican.
As if the lynching allusion doesn't inspire other comparisons, remember that Sam Wurzelbacher is the caricature of the Joe Sixpack that is supposed to symbolize the conservative picture of a real Uhmerican Patriot.
Let that sink in for a minute.
"Why hasn't he been strung up yet?"
There is no voice in the Conservative world who will call this what it is, but nor will I attempt to. I have my opinions of what this sort of speech is intended to achieve. You should draw your own conclusion.
Murder is what is being implied here. Lynching.
So, I say, this is where the line is. Sam Wurzlebacher crossed it in his attempt to dance to the tune of his teabagging Corporate sponsors.
And now his fifteen minutes should come to a close.
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Secretary Janet Napolitano
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Contact page for DHS to report incident
I am letting DHS and whoever else will listen know that this is unacceptable.
If you think I over-react here, just take the statement and use your imagination a little more.
"Why hasn't (BLANK) been strung up yet?"
Blank can be substituted for President Obama or anyone else, whether an individual or a group, so "Why haven't the Democrats been strung up yet, or the blacks or the gays or the liberals or the socialists, it just requires a little imagination and no empathy at all.
And it should be totally unacceptable.
After speaking, Wurzelbacher signed autographs and posed for pictures with the crowd. In a brief interview Thursday, he said a recent Time magazine report that he had left the Republican Party was false.
We know, Sam, you never really left at all.
We couldn't recognize you in the new executioners robe, otherwise, it's like you have always been there all along.
But now your fifteen minutes really needs to come to an end, a peaceful, just end.