Join the party below the fold.
get real
..don't you lefttards get it?!! no one caers! youre talking points are old and meaningless, and people are sick of all your PARTESIN CRAP! this is still a CONSERVATIVE NATION and just because muslin prince B. HUSSEIN OBAMA is PRESIDENT doesn't mean people are buying into into the LEFTIST AGENDA! it's ok, i'd be pretty mad to if fpeople were tired of my party
December 2008 called, wants its "America is a conservative nation" talking point back. Poor guy doesn't realize that Boss Limbaugh has sent new marching orders -- that America needs a new "civil rights movement" to fight for the oppressed conservative minority.
Yeah, pretending America wants anything to do with conservatives got to be too hard a facade to keep up, even for Rush.
Guess what. I visited your website. I was appalled at the filthy low life left wing hate that I was hit with. My God your site is a disgusting view of the world.
For example why in the world would such "free thinkers" and those who are champions of "Free Speech" want to lobby to have Fox News turned off in airports, shops etc? God, your site patrons are the definition of the word hypocrite.
You are as bad as that Oberman freak. He hates Fox and wants to shut it down because he loses the ratings game BIG. Let us face facts, MOST Americans WANT to have Fox as their top news station. How else do you explain the absolutely great rankings?
Another thing - This guy Tiller that got himself killed. How come I see not one single post about all the babies this guy murdered? I heard it was over 50K of viable children killed by him. God, why didn't these women just have these little lives and give them up for adoption?
After seeing what that right wing nut did to the left wing nut I think if I was owner or part of this site I might be looking to invest in a bullet proof vest. Because if their is one thing I have noticed it is that left wing nuts are assholes with big mouths and right wing nuts are assholes with big guns. Jesus I would not want to be the owner of this or any other left wing site that wants to destroy America.
Let us face it, the Dr Tiller baby Killer or what ever he was called brought this on himself. He killed 50 or 60 thousand viable babies, WOW. I don't feel one bit of pity for him.
BUT fortunately there are millions and millions (MORE THAN YOUR PEOPLE) of people like me, you know folks in the middle who will, when pushed wake up and take back control of America. In the process you and your birth defected left wing radicals and the far right wing radicals will be rendered useless, worthless, and squashed right out of the process. Don't believe me? Keep fucking our country up.
It is beyond me how you and those like you can despise America with such vigor. How can anybody hate something so much? Keep up your ideals and in 25 years citizens will not be able to even do what you did, no chance to succeed, no chance to let Capitalism work form them too.
Have you ever studied the American Revolution? Guess what? I have and although that took place some 235 years ago there are some very eerie similarities and I am telling you before Americans succumb to this whacked out society you have in your dreams they will rise up against you.
You have no idea what middle America thinks of you and your kind. Trust me they will not lay down for you.
I never used to get involved, NEVER, until I started seeing crazy left wing changes that I just won't accept.
Faggots kissing in public in front of my children? That is just one thing. Baby killings - CRAZY.
Another good example of who you people are is written some where else too. Have you ever really read Revelations? Have you ever seen the Left Behind films? You are on the side of Mr. Mancuso, you know Satan and the Anti Christ.
I believe in God, I don't know if I believe in the Revelations chapter though but I have to admit to myself what is written there is exactly what I see your kind doing.
Fighting for all the scum and degradation of the world.
Faggot marriage
Drug legalization
Baby murder, unrestrained
and ON and ON.
It is SCARY and you don't even think it is evil.
What if I decided to abort your two kids when they were about to come out of your wife? What if I stuck a sharp object into their brains and sucked their little bloody gray matter out?
Please God how can you let your site be used for this.
I hope you ask yourself that when you go home and look at your own precious kids. There could be more precious kids that good people could adopt. I wonder how many baby murders your site alone is responsible for??
Sick Bastards!
Personally, I think fantasizing about forcing abortions on other people against their will is evil. But still, my favorite part is his question, "How can anybody hate something so much?" So little self-awareness.
Do you get tired of being a little dick all the time. It looks like you like being the fast talking B S ass hole. You don't like people with moriles, because you feel inferior and since you are gay you need all of us to except you now. If we don't then you go into panic mode and feel you might be doing something wrong. So we have to have all these christions except us or we are going to HELL. News you are going to Hell, so you can change your ways or not. We don't have controll, so what we excepe or not dosen't matter. If you are destent for Hell there isn't anything we can do about it. Just ignore this message the end result is the same, so it:s all in your court, where it:s always been. You can down republicans all you want, but you know you are full of shit. So Obama dosen't read books because he is flying to New York and everywhere else because he is the Ruler and God. Can you come up with your own idea with out having someone else to put down. PROBABLEY not BECAUSE YOU WOULD HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. You have to have a couple of brain cells in your head or at least in the head of someone close. Dick Chaney is not your enemy, its just that you are such a little maget, dick, ass hole,fucking moran, pisser,slime, . I think you are a fucking GAY fagit and are mad. To bad it:s not my problem un less all you little fagits want to change all the rules for every one else. So you don't want a president that reads, it's so much better to have a president that doesn't read anything and thinks he is GOD. You also think he is GOD and you are a fool, ass hole, pile of shit, scum sucking magit, pile of shit,gay fucking quire. Do you get the message yet. DICK
Truly, an award-winning rant. Sublime! You guys taking notes? I've got the highlights bulleted:
- Apostrophes? Who needs stinking apostrophes? Use ":".
- I'm going to hell.
- Being gay is bad!
- Blah blah blah hell.
- You know who else is going to hell? People who can spell.
- George Bush read lots of books.
- "Moran"
I was writing really fast trying to keep up, so I probably missed this part ... what are Christions?
I am a 33 year old forced into being a stay at home dad due to the economy. I have enjoyed the past two years with my son and I wouldn't trade that time for anything.I go to church on Sunday and have recently started giving back to my community. I don't expect the gov. to take care of me and I don't expect any charity. Unlike other americans I took care of myself well enough in advance to survive. I do feel sorry for people losing their houses and children having no where to live. However, I don't think it should be my RESPONSIBILITY to take care of someone with my tax dollars, when I made the hard choices in life and they didn't. Now that you know who I am and where I stand, let's contiue. I don't watch MSNBCRAP very often except when I try to be objective. When I do watch I keep thinking I should respond to your chronic lies, but I always just let it go. Unlike most of your viewers, even though I am out of work, I don't have time to BLOG all day and night. I just don't understand what is wrong with those losers., what motivates you to lie every night, do you have any morals? I feel very sorry for people like you and our new president. How does anyone get the truth out there when the media keeps hiding it. You are all running our country into the ground. When I talk to people from other countries they just laugh at the U.S. now. What a joke this country has become. Do you even realize what you are doing? Don't worry, you will always have readers as long as there are whack jobs out there. I just wish someone could convince you that what you are doing is wrong. There are always shades of grey in most situations, yet you end up on the wrong side every time. I would love to have the time to dispute all your lies with facts and set your bloggers straight, but I just don't have the time. I just hope you come to your senses before it is too late.
Finally, do you think you gain viewers by trying to lie about Fox News. If it does work for you, I guess your regular viewers are idiots that can't tell what is true. It just floors me that anyone with the slightest degree of intelligence could believe you. I changed my mind, maybe I will have to waste some time setting these moron bloggers straight.
What a trip! First, he was like, "I don't have time to set you straight", and I was like, "snif", and then he was like, "I'm a world traveler and have to pretend I'm from Canada", and I was like "word, been there, done that", and then he's like "well maybe I have time to set you straight", and I was like "you lost your job when George Bush was president."
I don't see you shedding a tear for the innocent silent babies this butcher killed in late term.
Unfortunately one of them was not you.
I have no sympathy for people like him.
please take time out of your day and
contemplate the suffering of TILLER THE BABY KILLER
in hell.brings a worm glow to my are not
the only people who can dish out hate.
And so it went, for most of the week.
With all the other Pro-Illegal Alien, Pro-Abortion, Anti-Capatilist, Pro Homo, Anti-God, Pro Multicultural-Multi-Racial Cesspool, Sick Demented Liberal Socialist-Marxist Communistic Cretins........
Stick around I've just started...
PS: How's the Mudshark Obama been doin lately ?
Dude can't even get his racial slurs correct. A "mudshark" is a racist term for white woman who dates African Americans. So clearly, Obama can't be one of them. How pathetic do you have to be to botch a racial epithet? Sheesh.
However, it really is tragic that all the cool people who live in the SF Bay Area are such Liberal Socialist-Marxist Communistic cretins, since if we were capitalistic patriots like Republicans in Oklahoma we might be the world's top technology and venture capital center instead of Tulsa. Oh well.
Hi Kos,
As soon as you banned all entries related to 9-11 accountability, I stopped accessing your site. I should have let you know of this decision earlier. But there are millions of people like me who are angry with your myopic decision to ban all dialogue on this hugely important issue. It's time we let you know. I/We won't be back until you let some light in.
Just a reminder that not all the nuts who send me email come from the Right.
Still waiting for the US Army recruiting story...story of a US soldier killed by a Black Muslim - an anti-American radical who has been charged with 15 counts of terrorism.
That would be in Arkansas. The state with two DEM US senators, a DEM GUV and a DEM legislature.
...So, Where is the post?...
....Or is time for more paeans and homages to abortionist (excuse me, womyn's health care provider) Dr. Tiller?
HYPOCRITES, thy is your name!
BTW, what was the soldier's killer's DKos username? You're right, he probably didn't have one - he is far too pro-US for you guys! After all, this black Muslim only killed one soldier, where you would like to see the deaths of far more American military personnel than that.
Hey - I hear Tiller's killer was an anti-choice extremist- just like Heath Shuler, Gene Taylor, Harry Reid and Bob Casey. How about an entry on that?
Thy is your name!