I dont know how many of you have twitter here but I think it is a good terminal for airing the views of everyone against the companies which support Glenn Beck / Fox News and the rest of the neo-con/conspiracy cabal.
I wanted to shed some light on a way to help push this Glenn Beck and Michael Scheuer video to the masses, to show people the great patriots they are.
An e-mail to one of the FOX News sponsors isnt going to get them to stop spending their advertising dollars there, neither will 100 e-mails.
BUT -- With the way the news stations are living and dying on twitter updates, I think that it would be a great tool to use to air your frustrations and potentially make a bigger splash in a space in which your e-mail cannot be thrown away.
Since today's best thing to push is Glenn Beck and Michael Scheuer's rant regarding a new terrorist attack on America being our only saving grace, I think the follow tweets would be a good start, and maybe can pull off a trend if enough of you and your friends tweet and re-tweet.
Copy and paste the below messages, and update your status:
Log-in to Twitter NOW!
#LifeLock Supports People Who Support Terrorism in America http://bit.ly/...
#T-Mobile Supports People Who Support Terrorism in America http://bit.ly/...
#Samsung Supports People Who Support Terrorism in America http://bit.ly/...
Log-in to Twitter NOW!
Those are a couple big name, Glenn Beck and FOX News advertisers (found on their respective websites)
If any of you have any other sponsors or ideas, please add them in the comments and I will get around to updating the diary later on tonight.
Not sure why DK is killing the link to the video at the end of the quotes but its this http://bit.ly/2PHkR
Quick Update:
Just click the links below and it will fill in the text above in your status area on twitter and all you need to do is hit update.
LifeLock Twitter Status Update
T-Mobile Twitter Status Update
Samsung Twitter Status Update
Response from Di-Tech when emailing them:
Thank you for your observations, I have forwarded your email to the Marketing Department for consideration.
Ditech Customer Care
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 6:15 PM
To: Customer Care (Ditech)
Subject: Customer comments from ditech.com: Contact Us
TOPIC: Other
Your advertising on the FOX News and the Glenn Beck show is going to promote hate and the promotion of a new 9/11 type terrorist attack on America and I hope you do not continue to pursue advertising on this channel in the future.
It would be a shame for your advertising dollars to go to waste by supporting such hate in our country, and reflecting upon your company.