President Obama just received a thunderous reception in St. Louis, as he entered the stadium to throw out the first pitch of the 2009 All-Star Game.
One of the games greats – Willie Mays aboard Air Force One.
Muhammad Ali and Bill Cosby |
Unlike last year, all the players are psyched about meeting the President. They even want Obama’s autograph on their copies of his book. When have you ever seen major league player purchase a political book and act giddy around a President? The announcer said, future Hall of Famers are in the dugout acting like 12 year olds kids. Even Red Sox hard-ass, Josh Beckett was snapping away with his camera.
The President threw out the first pitch to Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals. He’s got an interesting bio and personal life, and some women find him attractive. I don’t know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder – whaddya think?
During batting practice, American League manager Joe Madden raved about meeting the President.
Reynolds: Are you excited, the President is coming in, tonight?
Madden: Absolutely! It’s gonna be a pleasure to meet this man.
Reynolds: Yeah.
Madden: I picked up his book The Audacity of Hope to understand him better.
It's kind of unbelievable that he wrote it, it’s so well written and the thoughts are so lucid, he’s like an actual novelist, he writes so well.
Beyond all of his achievements and the spectacular leader that he is, I really found it interesting to find out where all these thoughts originated.
What a difference a year makes.
What a contrast with this ovation and the merciless booing Shrub received last year in D.C.
The President was at a community college in Warren, Michigan, earlier today.
► I’ll never get over how children gravitate to President Obama. I was born after JFK, so I can’t attest to Camelot, but in my life time, I’ve never seen children, adolescents, and teens so interested in a U.S. President.
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