So this is my first entry at Daily Kos although I posted a few comments. I am a moderate Democrat who think that the moderates and liberal democrats neeed to bridge the gap in order to win. I know that the DLC has taken some shots at liberals and libeals have returned them but we got to follow Regan's 11th Commandment and not attack each other. In my humble opinion President Bill Clinton was a great president and did a lot for this country.However I do not think that Senator Clinton would be a good President for the following reasons. I think a lot of her pull comes from here husband and that we need soemone who would unite the country not devide it. So here who who I think should get the nomination for the Democratic Party:
General Wesely Clark. Not only is he a strong leader and moderate (from what I learned from my liberal friends true liberals do not support war) lets see the GOP try to use the same "not strong enough on national security BS" when we got a 4 star general running. I know he never held office before but neither did President Eisenhower and he did a great job. If not General Clark Senator Evan Bayh might be a good choice, he seems to be like President Clinton being charismatic, smart, and well spoken. Anyway please let me know your thoughts on the entry. Oh one more thing, what with the ahtred of coporation here? I know they have their flaws but I don't think their evil, after all the uS is a capitalist country not a socialsit one. Just wondering.
Have a good one!