The AP is reporting that former Senator John E. Sununu (R) won't run for the seat being vacated by Judd Gregg. Although Sununu was soundly defeated by Jeanne Shaheen in 2008, with statewide name recognition and proven fundraising ability, he would have been one of the most -- if not the most -- formidable candidates New Hampshire Republicans could field.
The other potential Republican candidates getting the most mention have been Attorney General Kelly Ayotte and former NH-02 Rep. Charlie Bass. Ayotte's position is appointed, so she's never faced voters (and she's widely reputed to be a rather poor public speaker); Bass was defeated by Democratic candidate Paul Hodes in 2006. Today's news therefore improves Hodes' already strong position.
One sad note to Sununu not running: We won't be able to resurrect one of the all-time most humorously lame campaign videos.
With material like that, we clearly had nothing to fear from a 2010 Bununu run.