We may have a Center-Right Media.
We may have a Center-Right Punditry-ville.
But our Country, and the majority of the American People in our "Two America's" are NOW decidedly a deeper shade of Blue!
Larger Map
Source: NYTimes
Tide of the Country has shifted ... Dramatically!
All the Pundits in Punditville, seem perfectly happy to repeat this canard, about "America being a Center-Right Country"
Pundits (and Party faithful) repeat their talking points:
NewsOK -- July 19, 2009
Rep. Tom Cole:
"The real issue here is not demographics, but values," he said.
"And I think the country is a center-right country, not a right-wing country. ... It’s institutionally and intuitively conservative."
Jeb Bush: The Future of the Republican Party
Esquire -July 8, 2009
Jeb Bush: I don't think all is lost. The country is a center-right country. The problem has been that conservatives in positions of responsibility, particularly in the Congress, lost their way. And in general conservatism has gotten a little nostalgic and less focused on the here and now, and on the future.
The Center-Right Nation Exits Stage Left
By Tod Lindberg, Washington Post - Nov 16, 2008
Thus Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review, in Outlook last week: The United States "is indeed, as conservatives have been insisting in recent days, a center-right country."
On election night, former Bush guru Karl Rove opined on Fox News, "Barack Obama understands this is a center-right country, and he smartly and wisely ran a campaign that emphasized it."
But here's a News Flash for you GOP Dumb-Asses, just repeating something again and again, without a shred of evidence, does NOT MAKE it TRUE!!
"Some People Say", you can "Frame your Debate" on the Media, to exclude opposing points of view, Simply by asserting something as Fact -- But even so, such Fiat Filtering, does NOT MAKE your Repetition TRUE!!
Repeating that "Center-Right" Talking Point, may let you exclude Progressive Polls, and Progressive Views, that show the the Country has changed -- but you ignore them at your peril, Spinners!
Because The People shall be Heard ... and in the Next Election too! Get ready, old dudes:
The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America Is a Myth
The Progressive Majority -- The Summary Report Pdf:
http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/... (pdf)
Tide of the Country has shifted ...
The Majority of the American People want Change! ... like yesterday!
Real Change, Compassionate Change, Future-oriented thoughtful Change.
That's what we Voted for!
America has moved on, GOP Punditry Dudes! ... You guys should too. Don't let Change pass you by. Or the Screen Door hit you in your Dumb Asses!
And one other thing Michael Steele, the only "failed experiment" around here, is the GOP-Experiment, that America just lived through for the LAST 8 Years!
How well did the "Neo-W Experiment", turn out for you America???
Are you and yours better off than you were 8 years ago?
Could THAT "failed experiment" BE, the reason that American is NOW a Mostly BLUE Country? -- just look at the facts, and get used to idea.
really Large Map
Source: NYTimes
It is NOT a "Center-Right" Country!
NOT ANY MORE! ... Get used to it.