In Highland Park, Illinois the North Shore Women for Peace decided it was time to act and let people know how they feel about this illegal and immoral war. So they worked with the village and got permission to put up an a sign on public property regarding the true cost of war.
Everything was going smoothly and everyone seemed happy, until the following morning. The village had covered up the writing on the sign and removed the message. Apparently, after the protestors did everything legitimately, Highland Park still feels that people are not entitled to learning the truth about the war in Iraq.
You can see the sign with your own eyes because theres a video of it posted:
So what did the sign say?
"The Cost of War"
1.5 billion $ per week
1663 US military dead
25,000 us military wounded
100,000 iraqi civilians dead
vigil every thursday
AFTER (- = blank)
"The Cost of War"
vigil every thursday
The Village of Highland Park thought this was an appropriate way to treat a legally approved sign about the war.
Now I know this isn't the end of the world. Just a small insignificant sign in an insignificant suburb in a state which is already blue. Yet, it bothers me that our right to free speech, especially speech which has been APPROVED by the village can just be taken away and nobody cares.
So please, watch the video:
Then, if you think this type of behavior is wrong and that others should care - recommend this diary and contact Highland Park.
(847) 432-0800
(847) 432-2617 fax
Because this is NOT what Democracy is supposed to look like.