What a quandary...Not for me.
More below.
The title truly seems to be an oxymoron for some who support Al Gore here, considering that for all intents and purposes Al Gore has completely broken ties with the DLC, and has even stated he has no plans to run for office again. However, there are still those who claim to support Al Gore and yet they also support candidates who tow the DLC line (regardless of the fact that they trashed Gore), voted for the war in Iraq, and who even say publicly that they love Bush, their President, personally. It's times like this that I really wish there were icons here... the gagging one would fit perfectly.
That is really something I find hard to wrap my mind around. But then, I have to remember that those who do that are simply into the game to win, and that they really don't care about issues or principles. If they did, they would have fought Bush harder before these elections came around, instead of deliberately allowing him to trash this country so they could then have a campaign platform to run on. It really is sad when you think about it, because as far as I can see they are going in the wrong direction and they too are hurting this country.
People I talk to everyday are sick and tired of such politicians who go the way the wind or the polls go and blow, and they want candidates who will speak their hearts, be consistent, and embrace real principles... Not just tow the talking points and play the game for the REAL OWNERS of this country. That's something we don't see much of at all in the Washington DC beltway these days.
It is hard for me to see it as well as a Gore supporter, because I support Al Gore as a man, see what he came from, and truly believe in my heart that he has sworn it all off, and he has proven consistently that he is a man of integrity and principles... Which to me means he cannot run in this system. And also because I know the election of 2000 was stolen as do many others. How could I then in good conscience ever support anyone who would say they personally love the man who stole that election from the man I support? How could anyone who sees the damage these people have done to this country continue to talk about them as if they actually EARNED the position they were handed by the USSC? Well, I couldn't and can't, but then I am not a person seeking to gain anything personal from my support, and that is the key, and the reason why I believe the political game as it is now will never change. The status quo is alive and well and it exists on all sides.
To me what real good does supporting Democrats who vote with Republicans do for this country when those votes hurt this country? Why would anyone say they support Al Gore, then support a candidate who tows the line of the DLC? Which support then are they lying about? This is one reason why I have decided to distance myself from political banter concerning 2006. Not the fight for what is right, but the banter, because I don't feel confident that even many Democrats are truly for the people anymore... I believe that once again in 2006, Democrats will be forced to vote for those who tow bascially the same line as Republicans on this war and other issues, rather than standing up for what is right.
It is time to stop pulling to the right and fight for what is right. It is is no longer enough for Democrats to say that Bush has to have a plan, it is time to say IMPEACH AND CONVICT. And that is my litmus test for 2006. If a candidate running doesn't say that, they won't get my vote. If they say they LOVE HIM, they won't get my vote. If they don't show a spine, they won't get my vote. If they don't stand up for AMERICAN principles, ( not compartmentalizing and labelling them as Liberal, Conservative, etc.,) but AMERICAN principles which support this Constitution, they won't get my vote.
It seems to be all about moving wherever the wind blows in the hopes of snagging Conservative votes these days. What the hell is up with that? It is no longer about truth and standing up for people consistently with real moral fiber, and appealing to your base... Appealing to that which made America great. It is all about who can raise the most money and throw the best bs. I mean, if you have to campaign as a Republican to get votes, then you are no Democrat, and at this point, if you can say you love Bush personally and consider him your President after all he has done, you are then no American who really cares about our Constitution in my book. You are just using it like he does as a means to an end.
I hope you enjoy selling your souls thinking that will make you a winner... But in the end it won't. In my opinion, speaking as someone who is not involved in the political BS, this isn't about polls, raising money, and throwing the best bull. This is about standing up for this country over Party, and joining together sincerely to rid this government of the stench of Fascism that has been stinking it up since 2000. It is about seeing candidates who espouse AMERICAN principles, and doing what is right for America...And supporting Bush on ANYTHING is not right for America.
If you aren't someone sincerely willing to do that, then you are irrelevant to this voter, who really for the most part doesn't trust that process anymore either. So perhaps instead of focusing on the BS and what James Carville thinks as if that is special, candidates should focus more on trying to build confidence in this system to begin with... because from where I sit, that doesn't exist anymore.
I'm also not just in this to win, I'm in this to see the changes people have been saying need to be made for years actually being made. However, to be fair, I think Real Democrats are making inroads in some states, (and I also believe there are still some Republicans with a conscience left) and I hope that continues. However, don't think that the mess Bush has been allowed to make will force me to ever vote for a DLC candidate ever again. Not in 2006, not ever.