We truly are through the looking glass, people.
Sarah Palin, the original Queen of Hearts, has doubled – nay – tripled down on her "death panel" Facebooking this week.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who drink her crazy up, and some of them carry guns.
FSM help us if they ever get their hands on blue face paint.
Morning lineup:
Meet the Press: Former House Majority Leader/Chair of Freedom Works Dick Armey (R-TX); Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK); Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD); Rachel Maddow (MSNBC); Roundtable: Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce Bruce Josten and Colorado Gov. Bill Owens (D).
Face the Nation: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs; Former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE); Former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN); Presidential Historian Douglas Brinkley.
This Week: Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius; Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA); Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT); Roundtable Republican Strategist Ed Gillespie, Democratic Strategist Donna Brazile, Ron Brownstein (The National Journal) and Anne Kornblut (The Washington Post).
Fox News Sunday: Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND); Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL); President of the American Medical Association J. James Rohack, MD; Executive Vice President for Policy and Strategy at AARP John Rother; Opera Singer Denyce Graves; Roundtable: Bill Sammon (Fox News), A.B. Stoddard (The Hill), Syndicated Columnist Charles Krauthammer and Ceci Connolly (The Washington Post).
State of the Union: Kathleen Sebelius; Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY); Rep. Tom Price (R-GA); Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX); Democratic Strategist James Carville; Republican Strategist Mary Matalin; Reliable Sources: Jeff Zeleny (The New York Times); Conservative Commentator Amy Holmes; Ruth Marcus (The Washington Post); Pop Culture Analyst Lola Ogunnaike; David Zurawik (The Baltimore Sun).
The Chris Matthews Show: Rick Stengel (TIME); Trish Regan (CNBC); John Heilemann (New York magazine); Kathleen Parker (The Washington Post).
Fareed Zakaria GPS: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Israel's Amabassador to the U.S. Michael Oren; Prime Minister of Kenya Raila Odinga.
Primetime viewing:
60 Minutes will feature: the first interview with former/future NFL quarterback Michael Vick since he admitted to participating in illegal dog fighting; a report on the U.S. military's increasing use of unmanned aerial drones; and, an interview with British rock group Coldplay.
On Comedy Central...
Jon Stewart probed Glenn Beck's evolving views on healthcare in the US.

The Daily Show
Monday: Comedian/Author David Cross ("I Drink for a Reason")
Tuesday: Author Christopher McDougall ("Born to Run")
Wednesday: Host of "Project Runway" Tim Gunn
Thursday: TBA
And Stephen Colbert lamented Beck's recent loss of advertisers.

The Colbert Report
Monday: Co-founder of 350.org Bill McKibben
Tuesday: Author Christopher Caldwell ("Reflections on the Revolution in Europe")
Wednesday: Director Ang Lee ("Taking Woodstock")
Thursday: Author Robert Wright ("The Evolution of God")
Salon took us inside the mind of ORLY Taitz.
By now, if you know what the word "Birther" means, you've heard the name Orly Taitz. You're aware that she's a lawyer/dentist/real estate agent, that she believes Barack Obama is not a natural-born American citizen and thus not qualified to be president, and that she turned into barking Bessarabian goo on camera when trying to explain her belief system to MSNBC's David Shuster.
But I, unlike Shuster, allowed Orly to talk (and talk and talk and talk). I listened to Taitz -- let no one say I did not listen. Over the course of our conversation, Taitz veered from tainted vaccines in Prague to Hugo Chavez and rigged elections to Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed he had sex and did coke in a limo with Obama. Before I tell you more about Orly, let me just report what she said, about all things Birther and non-Birther. What follows is a glimpse into what the most prominent member of a politically significant conservative movement believes, with little editorial commentary, less fact-checking and a lot of dropped articles.
And Esquire brought us along for a ride through Crazytown with ORLY and some of her disciples.
And speaking of wackadoodles...
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has a message for her supporters in a new fundraising letter: Don't let the media do to her what they did to Sarah Palin -- "Don't let them Palinize me!" [...]
The letter cites Urban Dictionary, an open-source site that contains a mix of definitions from across the political spectrum. The word "Palinize" has mostly negative definitions, but a few pro-Palin ones about being twisted and distorted by the liberal media -- and those are the definitions that Bachmann cites. However, the letter did pick out one definition that might actually be anti-Palin (and filled with dramatic irony, given the selective citation): "To exaggerate the truth or lie by omission."
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit being late.
- Trix