Finally, the NYT "Opinionator" picks it up, including lots of he said-she said. As of 11:30pm EDT, there are already more than 450 comments to the post.
Here's an excerpt:
Reaction from pro-reform Whole Foods shoppers was swift and vociferous. As Brian Beutler noted the next day at TPM DC, Whole Food’s “Web site has been fielding angry comments all afternoon, and has had to set up an online forum where customers can vent their frustrations, and, oh, call for a boycott!”
“Here’s a thought,” added Beutler. “If you own a major supermarket chain that caters to a great deal of liberal-minded people with money, don’t rail against the evils of health care reform in The Wall Street Journal.
At Daily Kos, blogger DarkSyde wondered if Mackey had lost sight of his demographic — “Mr. Mackey, I’m not sure if you understand who it is that shops at your organic grocery chain” — and, in case that had happened, reminded him:
A lot of progressives, vegetarians, professional and amateur athletes, and others who care so much about the environment and what they eat that they’re still willing to shell out three bucks for an organic orange, even in the midst of the worst recession in sixty years. I was proud [Whole Foods] was based in my hometown of Austin, and defended it against most of the conservatives I knew growing up there, many of whom still hold your entire business in utter contempt. Some of them ridiculed me for shopping at Whole Foods, with all the “tree huggers and granola eaters and hippies” who, incidentally, made you a millionaire.
There are plenty of right-wingers in the comments, so come on over and make your voice heard. I want him to feel the effect of having taken to the columns of WSJ to kill health care reform.
Mackey said he does not believe health care is a basic human right. Imagine that for a moment. I can only assume he's also against clean air and water.
You can tell them how you feel about the editorial, and the boycott here.
He has a right to his opinion. And since he decided to use a major platform to kill legislation close to my heart, I have a right to never spend another dime there.
ALSO... the Facebook Boycott is over 12K. If you haven't joined yet, here's the link: Whole Foods Boycott Great logo.