I couldn't figure why they would not provide as high profile a writer as liberal NY Times columnist (and scathing Bush critic) Maureen Dowd with 5 minutes of phone time for an interview. But then I got to her previous column, of January 15, which broached the (according to Kossians) unbroachable subject of the Deans' odd marriage. I guess they are in a tiff, but that is not good strategy. Dowd is on our side, people--and while you've dismissed my musings in a similar vein as psychotic or whatever, it's not so easy to do for someone of Dowd's stature.
I especially liked this bit of her column:
"What will she tell their grandkids?" wondered one political reporter here. "Yeah, Grandpa was once a front-runner for president with crowds all over America cheering him but I was too busy to go see it?"
It will be interesting to see, if her husband falters, whether the exigencies of politics will require her to make a house call on his campaign.
Physician, heal thy spouse.
When was the Steinberg visit to Iowa announced? Before or after the Dowd column (1/15)?