I am afraid Dean has seen his high water mark and might have peaked three weeks too soon...
As a Dean supporter, I sure hope I am wrong but the news gets worse by the day...
- the attacks on Dean have taken their toll and continue...
- Clark seems to be getting some real momentum, not only in NH...
- IA seems to be getting closer and closer
- Dean's performances of the last ten days doesn't seem to be on par with his earlier elan..
- the press would just love to see Dean fail and would aid it in any way they can...
I am afraid Dean might lose both in IA and NH if he doesn't take heed...
In my opinion, if he loses those states he'll be doomed... a comeback would be practically almost impossible...
Just my pessimistic view... I sure hope to be proven wrong. Anyway I'll support Dean till the end and I'm always a bit of a doomsayer
Is it just me or is this the most negative primaries in many decades?