Hyper-partisan, painfully ignorant, pathologically dishonest, chronically unethical, intellectually unconscious, and jaw-droppingly stupid. And those are her better qualities.
Sarah Palin is so soulless that she traded away her credibility on the one issue on which she had any authority: her personal story about raising a child with special needs. That was it, the full sum of her sliver of sincerity. And she gave it up to offer political cover to an equally soulless ally.
In other words, she is the perfect embodiment of what her party has become. Unlike past nominees and potential candidates for 2012, Sarah Palin is a pure Republican, unable or unwilling to take any position on any issue that would put her at odds with her party. And that's why Sarah Palin should run for president.
And she thinks so too:
"I would, I would if I believe that is the right thing to do for our country and the Palin family. Certainly I would do so," she told "Fox News Sunday," in an interview that was taped before she addressed a Tea Party convention the night before. "I think that it would be absurd to not consider what it is that I could potentially do to help our country ... . I won't close a door that perhaps could be open for me in the future."
Absurdity, Sarah? That doesn't begin to cover it. And that is why she is the ideal Republican candidate.
Thinks ACORN put Obama in the White House? Check.
Obama is a socialist? Check.
Obama wasn’t born in the United States? Check.
Obama loves terrorists? Check.
Abortion bad, death penalty good? Check.
Hates gay marriage? Check.
Creationism? Of course.
Jesus = Good? You betcha.
Against sex education? Obviously. Checkmate.
Plus secession points from the extra-nutty 40 percenters. And Governor Perry.
Sarah Palin dared to criticize Hillary Clinton for "whining" about sexism in the media, yet she hides behind that very criticism whenever the media dares to point out her lies, her contradictions, or her outright ignorance. Last month, she called out women's rights groups for their "double standard."
...please concentrate on empowering women, help with efforts to prevent unexpected pregnancies, stay consistent with your message that for too long women have been made to feel like sex objects in our “modern” culture and that we can expect better in 2010.
Yet her policies and positions -- from opposing sex education to requiring rape victims to pay for their own rape kits -- do nothing to empower women, prevent unexpected pregnancies, or help to change the image of women as sex objects. After all, this is the woman who thought she could win a vice presidential debate with a short skirt and a whole lot of winking.
Sarah Palin cannot remember the six words that form her entire ideology. David Frum makes the ridiculous claim that Sarah using her hand as a cheat sheet was actually a brilliant chess move. Does anyone (other than Frum) really believe that Sarah Palin is capable of 11th-dimensional chess? She couldn't even get her crib notes right.
Sarah Palin slammed "bored...pathetic bloggers who lie," yet uses her Facebook and Twitter accounts to spread ludicrous lies about the president's policies. Who's the bored, pathetic one, Sarah?
After the President's State of the Union speech, she took to her Facebook page to criticize him:
Real leadership requires results. Real hope lies in the ingenuity, generosity, and boundless courage of the American people whose voices are still not being heard in Washington.
Sarah Palin ran from her opportunity to demonstrate "real leadership" because "only dead fish go with the flow."
Sarah Palin knows nothing and is proud of it. And so is her party. And the Republicans are the party of Sarah Palin, even if some them are embarrassed to admit it. They should be embarrassed. This is what their cynical embrace of ignorance has wrought. It has wrought Sarah Palin.
We know, from Markos's poll, that the majority of the Republican party is crazy and stupid. Despite the whining from the very merchants of stupid who have been so successful at pushing these memes, the poll reveals the depth to which this party of Lincoln (as they are so fond of saying) has sunk, willfully embracing hate and ignorance and things that are just factually wrong.
And that is why Sarah Palin should run for president and lead the Republican party's pursuit of pure teabagggery.
If this is the war the party of stupid wants, let them have it. Let us see what their rightwing insanity has sown. Let us watch Sarah debate President Obama, crib notes and all. Because even though the entire Republican Congress was outmatched in a battle of wits only a few weeks ago, Sarah, being Sarah, will strut into any debate thinking she has the upper hand. And America needs to watch that, the arrogance of someone so hopelessly out of her league that she doesn’t even realize she’s out of her league, daring to take on President Obama, daring to claim that she could do his job better as she spouts meaningless platitudes about budget tax cuts and energy and lifting American spirit. It doesn’t matter that she knows nothing. It doesn’t matter that she’s an embarrassment to herself every time she speaks. We need to have our options so obviously spelled out for us that there can be no mistake. We need to have that fight -– the fight of thoughtfulness and reason versus also too also.
It is not a war they will win. Sarah Palin's unpopularity grows every day, even as her party continues to insist that she will save them. But it is a war that just might cleanse our collective souls.
And if, by some horrific act of a bizarro god, America chooses to reject the best of what we can be in favor of what we know is wrong, may that god have mercy on us all.