Jane Hamsher eats puppies.
Jane Hamsher eats kittens.
Jane Hamsher causes climate change.
Jane Hamsher is the real death panel.
Jane Hamsher caused the financial meltdown.
Jane Hamsher caused the Iraq War.
Jane Hamsher caused torture.
Jane Hamsher caused secret renditions.
Jane Hamsher caused the Vietnam War.
Jane Hamsher caused the Korean War
Jane Hamsher caused World War II.
Jane Hamsher caused World War I.
Jane Hamsher caused the Spanish-American War.
Jane Hamsher expected the Spanish Inquisition. Because she caused it.
Jane Hamsher caused The Plague.
Jane Hamsher caused the Crusades.
Jane Hamsher killed Jesus.
Jane Hamsher is the most important issue humanity has ever faced.
All your consciousness is belong to Jane Hamsher.