See you after the jump.
I have few talking points too:
- The smartest president ever. Bastard.
- We have some fine, fine Dems in Congress. Not all of them are Ben Nelson or Kent Conrad. Most of those who were there today, were really terrific.
- I don't know how John McCain isn't spoiled by the non-stop great news he gets all the time.
- Man, Eric Cantor must have been bullied throught his school days.
- Health Care Reform will pass soon. Imperfect as it is, it will pass and it will be the greatest social achievement is 45 years. And once again, it'll be done by Democrats.
Maybe the best moment of all:
Few great quotes from this surreal event:
- "If you think it's a socialist plot, then please drop out of the federal employees health program". (Dick Durbin)
- "Let me just make this point, John, because we're not campaigning anymore. The election's over". (President smartass). "I'm reminded of it every day". (Even more excellent news for...).
- "My colleague, Leader Boehner, the law of the land is there is no public funding of abortion, and there is no public funding of abortion in these bills and I don't want our listeners or viewers to get the wrong impression from what you said. Mr. Camp, you said that the Medicare cuts in this bill cut benefits for seniors. They do not. They do not. So I want the record to show just in those two cases, we may have differences of opinion and approach and evaluation of the value of different things, but certain things are facts about our bills that I cannot let the opposite view stand when they are stated". (Nancy Pelosi, wiping the floor with Camp and the Tan-Man).
- "Studies have shown that the people who use health spending accounts have a lot of disposable income, and WE are talking about folks who DON'T". (President smartass).
- Obama: "John Boehner, do you want to say anything in closing?". Tan-Man: "No". (Please don't cry).
- "I asked a question .... and I didn't get an answer on it .... and you're wasting time...". (President smartass).
- "Somehow you didn't reform health care when you had the WH, House and Senate". (President smartass).
- "Rep Barton, I couldn't quite follow your math, not sure you could either...". (President smartass).
- "You liked the idea of an exchange until I embraced it and then suddenly it became less of a good idea." (Well, you know).
- "This is great, I wasn't expecting this, I thought it would be Kabuki. The President has real guts for doing this!" (Howard Dean).
- "The most patient man in the world is Barack Obama". (Harry Reid).
- "Our President is a great leader". (Nancy Pelosi).
- "I have been here for 30 years and i can't remember an event like this". (Steny Hoyer).
And today's winner:
"The President talked more than Republicans and Democrats Combined!". (Jon Kyl is hurt, poor baby).
Credits for all pictures goes to Getty. Please don't hot-link.