Bigotry serves no useful purpose. All it does is foster enmity and cruelty between you and an oppressed class of people. Fat-bashing is bigotry. Don't do it.
Prejudice makes no sense. All it does is enable you to make judgments about people without properly knowing them. Fat-bashing is prejudice. Don't do it.
You're not concerned for their health. Malice, condescension, and revulsion are not the hallmarks of concern. They are the hallmarks of hate.
You're not concerned for the economy. That is a distraction to justify your hate.
You're not concerned for the environment. If you were, you would be similarly critical of all these other things in our lives which are not necessities but which contribute as much or more to the strain on our environment and natural resources. Your selective criticism is a testament to your hate.
Being fat is unhealthy. Being fat is a drain on the economy. Being fat hurts the environment. You may tell yourself those things, and goodness knows it gets repeated enough in our news media, popular media, shopping centers, churches, trains, schools, offices, and stadiums...but, if you dig deep down, you know they're not the real reasons for your fat-bashing. Bigotry and prejudice are hard to explain, because they need no rational source. Maybe in that animal brain of yours you just don't like the way fat people look. Maybe you're so afraid of going against the popular opinion that you've rationalized your way into agreeing with it. Maybe you're an insecure person who needs the validation that comes with believing yourself to be better than certain other people. Maybe you so love the feeling of lightness and fitness, or even the thought of it, that you've come to see fatness as a perversion of the human condition. Maybe you were just raised by jackals and weasels.
I don't know. I don't care. Cut out the hate. You have it within yourself to practice tolerance toward fat people no matter your personal opinion on obesity. You have it within yourself to evolve your opinion of obesity to something that is more humanizing and appreciative. You have it within yourself to be a better person.
Fat is the scarlet letter of our time. Fat people are daily accused of being self-hating, stupid, greedy, ugly, smelly, selfish, undisciplined, depressed, lazy, dying slobs. Not one of those things is inherently true, and you know it. Nothing about adipose tissue or extra skin makes a failure out of an otherwise decent person...except for one thing: The bigotry and prejudice of a hate-filled society, which so often drives fat people to fear, shame, and a lifetime of feeling worthless.
How could you do that to anyone?
What preposterous part of your character makes your so gleeful at the prospect of destroying lives based on waist circumference or pant size? What the hell kind of value judgment is that? Of all the traits you might use to judge a person, you pick this? Seriously? Are you so crude in your other judgments, too? Are you a time traveler from the twelfth century? From the stone age?
Maybe you are. We're all born with the same genes as our animal ancestors of many thousands of years gone by. Each of us is a feral animal, raised into society by whatever influences are at hand. This "civilizing" process is prone to error and highly fallible. Because of it, all the imperfections in our society will come to dwell in you. Will you let them in?
I urge you to make peace with being fat if you are fat yourself, or to make peace with having a fat mate, or fat kids, or fat parents, or fat friends, if any of these people in your life are fat. You have it within yourself for obesity to not be an issue when it comes to the way you perceive others and the way you treat them. You have it within yourself to extend that same decency toward strangers, including the anonymous ones you'll never meet. You have it within yourself to cut out the hate, so fucking do it. Do it for your family. Do it for George Washington. Do it for your god. Do it for the Fonz.
Maybe even do it for the hundreds or thousands of people whose lives you have personally hurt, or the millions whose lives you have contributed to hurting by upholding an unjust, evil prejudice.
Don't think so highly of yourself just because it's easy to make a McDonald's joke. Don't seek that kind of validation for yourself.
Don't think so little of fat people just because it's physically possible for most of them to become thinner. Don't settle for that kind of misanthropy in yourself.
Don't think that there isn't a lot to be enjoyed and appreciated in life from getting and being fat. Don't succumb to the fallacy that what is popular is right.
Don't think you understand an issue if hate is your reaction. Don't think that fat people are not an oppressed class. Don't think you're not a prejudiced bigot. Don't think you don't share some personal responsibility for the state of things. Don't make excuses for your own misbehavior toward fat people. Don't settle for anything less than complete rehabilitation in yourself and genuine sincerity of goodwill toward fat people from here on out.
Some people are fat and don't want to be. Many of those don't want to be fat purely because life is made so shitty for them by a hateful society. Were it not for that, many if not most of them would be just fine being fat. Behave yourself, and don't introduce unnecessary hardship into their lives.
Some people are fat and like it that way. Be respectful of their choice to live for themselves as they please. There are plenty of legitimate justifications for being fat. Behave yourself and don't put others on the defensive because you disagree with their lifestyle.
And one last thing. I had written another two pages about this, but I deleted it all in favor of respecting you enough to count on your ability to be open-minded: Being fat isn't as unhealthy as it is reputed to be. Being fat isn't the enormous drain on the economy it is reputed to be. And, though it is a strain, being fat isn't as ruinous for the environment as it is reputed to be.
I don't expect you to start out believing any one of those statements. What I do expect is for you to open your mind, and consider the possibility that those statements are true and your attitudes toward fat are wrong. Then I expect you to go and find out for yourself. What you will find out there is not straightforward, except insofar as it invalidates your own previously held straightforward beliefs: Fat's reputation is decidedly undeserved.
Friend, even if you were justified in your rationalizations for your hatred—even if fat people actually were ugly and selfish all those horrible things you call them, and even if fatness itself were inherently unhealthy, costly to the economy, and destructive to the environment—your hate itself would never be justified, because fat people are denizens of, not enemies to, a free and enlightened society. It is in the soul of such a society for people to care for one another and not to abuse them.
Put a stop to fat-bashing.