I apologize for the short diary, but I figured I'd provide fellow Kossacks with more ammo for their twitter and facebook pages for their teabagging friends and coworkers to choke on. And of course, if this is already on DKos video, feel free to let me know. If it isn't, could we get it on there?
More below the fold.
Ronald Reagan. Conservative champion. Hero to the Republican party. The modern GOP credits him with their ideological foundation of "smaller government," (bigger corporations) "lower taxes" (for the wealthiest) "free markets" (unless you're a union employee, which in that case, fuck you) and "family values" (which only apply to heterosexual white christians, of course).
There is plenty of ammo out there about how he completely wrecked the entire goddamn economy and then got re-elected, and still we loved him so much that we elected his veep after his two terms were up. Hell, even David Stockman, his number-one economic adviser, came out in the open a few weeks back and publicly apologized for the havoc his party wreaked on our way of life. And still the teabaggers love him.
Nevermind the "Star Wars" fiasco. Nevermind the support of Central American death squads and brutal right-wing totalitarian leaders while American nuns were raped by our supposed "allies." As long as they hated Commies and let our corporations enslave their workers and rape their environment for oil contracts, they were our best buds.
Fast forward to 2001- thirteen years after that senile geriatric finally left the White House.
The warmongering teabaggers (Bushies back then) were the first to cry for bin Laden's blood on 9/11. Hell, we were all pissed off. We were united in our rage. Even progressives wanted to strangle bin Laden. We just wanted Dubya to get on the teevee and tell us everything was gonna be alright. Bomb Central Asia? Anything you say, Dubya. Approval ratings soared above 80% while the planes soared over Kandahar and fire lit up the skies, while all of us at home cheered. Those damn Taliban. We sure showed them.
Fast forward to 2010. Almost 9 years to the date after the first bombs fell on Taliban strongholds. We're still mired in the graveyard of empires, our oil companies still hoping that we can clear out enough of those pesky Taliban so they can finally build the New Silk Road that's been in the works since Enron took on the venture in 2001. Hey, wait!
Where was I? Oh, right.
The pipeline that runs from the Caspian through Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and then traverses the Indian Ocean to pipe natural gas to the fastest-rising population and economy in the world! The only folks not playing along are those damn Taliban. Shit, even Clinton and Unocal brought them to Washington in 1996 to try and get them to reconsider. But they just wouldn't play along. They really do mean well in their oppression, though! Just listen to the Octogenarian warmonger's infinite wisdom:
"These gentlemen (the Mujahideen) are the moral equivalents of America's Founding Fathers."
-Ronald Reagan, 1985
In fact, he trusted and loved these moral equivalents so much that he dedicated an historic spacecraft's first flight to them. No, really.
Ronald Reagan. Champion of conservative values. Immortal for Republicans. Idolized by teabaggers. Defender of terrorists.
Go forth and spread the word. You're welcome.
The floor is yours.