Recently on the Faith 2 Action, "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups", anti-gay bigot Brian Camenker went on a rant against Martha Coakley. See, Brian hates the gayz, and Coakley had the gall to speak at the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association.
F2A Radio Show Download:
I would embedded it, but Dkos does not allow for autostart=false and I don't have time to package it on YouTube.
After a long misinformed rant, the host goes to Brian Camenker for a comment at the 2:53 mark. Thank goodness this guy was the first interview, I doubt I could have handled another five minutes:
Host: By the way, this is the IRS that say, well, we're a little backlogged they say, we got tax filters(?) that three out of ten people who call our office will quote 'likely be ignored' this year. Three out of ten are going to be ignored asking tax questions. By the way, if you do get a hold of them and they give you the wrong answer, you are still liable. That's the IRS. That’s who that want to oversea and penalize you for healthcare decisions that you make. This is scary stuff. And many are looking to Scott Brown as the guy to stop it in the Senate. What say you Brian?
Brian: Well, that's what he said he's going to do and I have known him personally for several years. He's fiscal conservative Republican. He could not be more different than Martha Coakley. Coakley is an extreme left-wing Democrat who supports the entire Obama agenda. I mean, supports it whole heartedly.
If Scott Brown has been close personal friends of Brian Camenker and his MassResistence anti-gay hate machine, we have a serious problem.
Who is this close and personal friend of Scott Brown? Who was trotted out for Scott Brown on the Faith 2 Action network?
Let me give you taste:
Why we keep fighting; a Memorial Day message
By Brian Camenker, MassResistance
This Memorial day, here in Massachusetts in 2007, the homosexual lobby dominates our State House, and is filing bills to push their agenda further than ever. They have homosexual clubs in high schools across the state. They use state money to bring kids downtown to mingle with adult cross-dressers and other hard-core activists. A federal judge ruled that schools can show picture books to elementary school children about homosexual romance. And our political leaders help raise money for their movement.
Did people in1942 talk about respecting the Nazis "choice" of political philosophy? Or that we ought to consider letting Japan have Korea and the Solomon Islands if they'd let us have the Philippines - because that's what the "experts" say we could work out?
Don't listen to them. It's a false promise. It's extremely tempting but it's the road to hell. That's why we support a Parents' Rights Bill that gives parents complete control. And it's why we don't support the current Constitutional Amendment that purposefully compromises by only banning future homosexual "marriages" and allowing all others - including civil unions or domestic partnership - to stand unimpeded. Compromising in normal discourse is often appropriate; but compromising with evil is disastrous.
So the gayz are worse than Hitler? This has to rank high in the ol' Goodwin's Law charts.
Brian isn't a johnny come lately bigot, he has been here for years now. In fact, his vile rhetoric has earned him place on the Southern Poverty Law Project Hate Group Map:
This puts him in the same league as the Westboro Baptist Church and Family Research Institute. Not exactly the best company to keep, so why is Scott Brown personally friends with a hatemonger?
How does one get on such a list? Read his blog:
And this:
Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools
Here is another choice hate rant by Brian on gayz:
It’s pretty clear that the homosexual movement’s obsession with marriage is not because large numbers of them actually want to marry each other. Research shows that homosexual relationships are fundamentally dysfunctional on many levels, and "marriage" as we know it isn’t something they can achieve, or even desire. (In fact, over the last three months, the Sunday Boston Globe’s marriage section hasn’t had any photos of homosexual marriages. In the beginning it was full of them.) This is about putting the legal stamp of approval on homosexuality and imposing it with force throughout the various social and political institutions of a society that would never accept it otherwise. To the rest of America: You've been forewarned.
Does Scott Brown share MassResistence's anti-gay hatred rhetoric?
With people like Brian Camenker claiming that he is best buds with Scott, this question needs to be answered. Birds of a feather do flock together.
Someone should really ask Scott Brown about this.
He can either admit he is personal friends with such a hatemonger, or he can denounce him and the MassResistance movement.
The ball is now in Scott's court.
Hat tip to for finding the original radio clip.