Erick Erickson has posted the addresses of Coakley phone banks at
From Erickson's diary:
Here is what I’m being told if any of you want to go by tomorrow and laugh:
Organizers are asking for volunteers to be at the IBEW address before 9 am to hear from Coakley and Vicki Kennedy tomorrow morning...
He then proceeds to list the various headquarters and meeting times.
It's pretty clear why he would do that, and it's not so all the redstaters can go "laugh" or volunteer to help Coakley GOTV.
The redstate denizens are taking the hint, and in the comments make various suggestions to show up and disrupt the phone banks. A couple of examples:
Jot down there callback number… put it on autodial…
Reminisce about “the good old days”…
Ask about their grandkids and family and ask if they’re voting for coakley… are any of them in the military? Why not? What’s wrong with that…
when they eventually hang up start calling them back on autodial to talk…
Anyone have access to any robocall setups?
just a thought… Off to conventionland again in AM… Good luck up North next Tuesday-don’t forget to be ready to call shenanigans etc...
Post callers numbers so we all can call them back. We can tie them up more!
Anybody need any more evidence of why we need to be getting out the vote for Coakley?
If you haven't made calls for Coakley, yet, do it today:
Call For Coakley
If you haven't donated to the campaign, do it today:
Donate For Coakley