Before the circular firing squad slash blame game begins, let's get this straight right the fuck now.
Former DNC Chair Howard Dean told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC moments ago that Democrats aren't necessarily to blame for what seems like a likely loss in today's special senate election in Massachusetts.
"I certainly don't think it's a referendum on President Obama," Dean said.
"This is not the time for pointing the blame."
People who blame others are losers. If you want to win elections, you stop blaming and get to work.
So let's get this straight, Coakley lost, she lost for reasons all of her own. I am not really interested in the blame game. I am interested in learning from this experience so that Progressives don't make the same mistakes the next time.
Anyone who is interested in winning elections is more than welcome to join me below the fold.
In my humble opinion, there is one major part of the election process that Progressives MUST be more aggressive on.
#1. GOTV - Get Out The Vote efforts MUST begin early in statewide campaigns. I did not see a strong GOTV effort from the Coakley campaign, or from the Deeds and Corzine campaigns last year. Democrats and Progressives who are serious about winning elections must make a stronger effort in this regard if we are serious about winning elections.
Now, we can play the blame game and have a big ole pie fight about why Coakley lost this election, or we can start putting our collective heads together about how we can avoid mistakes like those made in the Coakley and Deeds campaigns. We can work together or fight each other, but if we fight each other and play the blame game the only people we will be helping out is the GOP.
I have no time for playing the blame game. I have no time to waste fighting other Democratic activists and Progressives. The stakes are too high and there are bigger fish to fry. We lost tonight. Suck it up, move on, and get over it. Tomorrow is another day and we will have another fight on our hands. The choice is yours, do we fight with each other or alongside each other?
Well, I choose to fight alongside Progressives against the party of Bush, Beck and NO!
This is WAR, and I am ready to fight. How about you?
Crossposted at The Progressive and