I've had jobs where I was not appreciated until I was gone. Then political drones 'discovered' the good I had done.
Politicians always have flowery praise for the dead of either party. The Bushiters quote FDR.
The DLC version of Dean's job STINKS. "You keep the grassroots aboard while we take their money, beat them up, shut them out, clear primaries, capitulate Dem principles, and suck Rethug ass". You just keep the rubes money flowing in... Got it! Cuz if ya don't... we're agonna dump ya."
Rove's secret consulting gig with the D.emonic L.osership C.abal on ways to separate Dean backers and money from Dean isn't working that well. Many who would celebrate the 'retirement to spend more time with their dysfunctional family' of DLC heroes like Lieberbiden and Feinclinton, still love Dean.
Posts right here on the 'Berzerkley Daily Kosy' (proudly using DLC asswipes' misspellings), that make me think the many here are not buying DLC Bushit and may resent these assholes a bit.
I hope Dean 'takes the hint' from his D.emonic L.osership C.abal critics and allows himself to be ousted after 2006.
Tell me... whose hero was it that said Dean doesn't speak for them? Who took up disowning Michael More AFTER the Rethugs did? Who took up bashing AFTER the Rethugs did? Who took up disenfranchising women's medical rights AFTER the Rethugs did?
Take a guess, but their initials are D.L.C.
Rove uses his first string, the avowed Rethugs to put out his Bushit first. Then he uses his second stringers, the 'supposedly Democratic' DLC to regurgitate the Rove koolaid on us again.
Tell you what, DLC losers, why don't you make some reservations for the Rethug convention like Zell-out Miller did? How about raising some money for the Rethugs like Zell-out Miller did? Why not just let your inner Bushiter out? Maybe the corpocrocs keep your doors open because you are more valuable to them 'working on the inside'?
Let the DLC bums get some ringer they like better to run 'their party'. Let's have Dean come back to the people who love him.
The grassroots know Dean started out as the one small voice saying what we all knew was true. The Washington folks were betraying and lying to us and, on some level we all knew it. That is what drew us to the Dean campaign.
Tell me, have the Washington folks suddenly stopped betraying and lying to us? Have they suddenly decided to respect us and listen to us?
To ask the question is to answer it.
Now they are trying to carpetbomb the Daily Kos. Another question. Who started bashing the Daily Kos AFTER the Rethugs did? Who did it while holding up the 'white flag' and calling for a truce?
I'll take Dean over the lot of the Rethug-Lite creeps.
The Iraq Invasion and Occupation was a big mistake. Dean said it straight out. Dean was correct. The Rethugs and the DLC were wrong and they are still wrong.
George W. Bushiter's tax cuts were a big mistake. Dean said it. Dean was correct again. The Rethugs and the DLC still aren't facing the facts on our financial situation.
The poll numbers show me that the American people are coming around to the fact that Dean is correct.
The war is not going well, and the trial balloons are already going up for a retreat. After all those dead American kids and the thousands maimed for life, the Rethugs want cover. And guess who is going to give it to them?
Hint: Their initials are D.L.C.
The Vichy-Vashy DLC Dems don't show a clear contrast. They do not benefit because they offer the same tired Bushit the Rethugs do. Only to them 'Better Bushit' is somehow more valuable than truth. Only a Washington Insider would think that after so many widows and orphans have been created for the non-existant WMDs and the non-existant 'democracy' in Iraq.
That's why I wanna draft Dean for the presidential race in 2008. Of course, I wanna draft him whether they oust him or not.
I read 'The Gawker' piece on Howard in Salt Lake City. The guy still carries his own bag and waits in line for a plane while he tries to save our country. He still needs our help.
I LOVE this man's character, he is still standing tall (for a short guy) after all the media, the Rethug slime machine, and the buttwipes in his own party have done their damnest to shut him up.
Howard, do you feel a draft? God I hope so.
I, for one, am holding the door open! I want to let more sunlight and fresh air into the fetid swamp that is Rethug/DLC Washington.
And if not Dean, I will find somebody else, but it ain't ever gonna be somebody the DLC likes.