. . . leads back to MBNA and the other hyper-wealthy Poo-bahs of the credit card industry (a.k.a. Usurers Club) and banking industry. Biden makes "licking boot" into a piece of Senatorial Performance Art when, as now, with a straight face he advocates for cracking down on middle class Americans who've been driven into bankruptcy, just so the credit card robber barons (already enjoying record profits) can squeeze a little more
blood out of already drained-dry (as often as not by medical bills) by these financial lampreys.
So, S. 256 has a good chance of passing and, in doing so, making it harder for middle class Americans to make a fresh start (and, btw, bankruptcy is NOT a cake walk, not fun -- seen too much of it) so that already obnoxiously banks and credit card companies can have . . . you guessed it, EVEN MORE! Thanks Biden! A real "Man of the People!" you are.