Outside groups enabled by the Citizens United decision spent $38 million on ads attacking Democrats, and won 23 of 34 races they targeted, according to msnbc news and the Sunlight Foundation. The organizations include Karl Rove's American Crossroads, Dick Army's Freedomworks, the Chamber of Commerce, and Americans for Prosperity. Donors are all secret but msnbc reports that Rove's money came mostly from hedge fund managers. They also report the organizations are gloating over their ability to influence the election.
Together, the groups — which are not formally part of the Republican Party — spent more than $38 million on attack ads and campaign mailings against Democrats
A substantial portion of Crossroads GPS’ money came from a small circle of extremely wealthy Wall Street hedge fund and private equity moguls, according to GOP fundraising sources who spoke with NBC News on condition of anonymity. These donors have been bitterly opposed to a proposal by congressional Democrats — and endorsed by the Obama administration — to increase the tax rates on compensation that hedge funds pay their partners, the sources said.
Overall, outside Republican groups outspent outside Democratic groups, $245 million to $191 million — a $54 million edge.
I really think that these groups, along with Fox news, are responsible for the Republican sweep. The anger about taxes, government over-reach, and spending wad ginned up by these guys We lost not because of political or policy errors, but from a barrage of carefully designed propaganda.
Obviously this was a practice run for 2012.
With the R's now in control of the house, and the Supremes firmly at their back, the only way I can see to prevent the US from becoming some sort of oligarchy is a constitutional amendment coming from the states, without congress acting. Hope someone writes one and we can start an effort to get states passing it in 2011. .