TPM - McConnell plan to defeat Obama
"Over the past week, some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office," McConnell will say. "But the fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill; to end the bailouts; cut spending; and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things."
"On health care that means we can - and should - propose and vote on straight repeal, repeatedly," McConnell will add. "But we can't expect the president to sign it. So we'll also have to work, in the House, on denying funds for implementation, and, in the Senate, on votes against its most egregious provisions."
Rant follows.
First of all, you outcast of Mon Calamari, sent here by Palpatine to destroy our civilization from within, the Wall Street bailouts (TARP) were proposed by George W. Bush and his Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen, and YOU sat down with Harry Reid to write the version that eventually became law. And then you voted for it. And it was passed in the House with the votes of 91 Republicans. Including those of John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Paul Ryan - respectively, the minority leader, the minority whip, and the ranking Republican on the Budget Committee. And then signed by President Bush.
Only someone with a complete contempt for truth, logic, voters, the press, and the future of America would claim that making Obama a one term President is in any way related to ending the bailouts.
Secondly, if you're going to propose votes on straight repeal repeatedly - does that mean you intend to let votes actually occur? Because you weren't so good at that the last two years. Your loathsome visage is the face of the filibuster, Senator, and it needs to be reformed. I'd recommend a plastic surgeon to reform your face but I think it is more a task for a civil engineer with experience in sewer repair.
Third, you know you won't do a thing to shrink government or cut spending.
So since you have no good reason to oppose Obama - just admit it. You oppose because your loyalty is to Republicans, not to America. And by "Republicans" I mean the small cadre of billionaires who bankroll your pathetic excuse for a party.
Mitch McConnell, if you cared one whit about America, you'd resign your position.
Harry Reid, or whoever might be Senate Majority Leader for the 112th Congress; I have a suggestion.
Insist that all the old legislation and nominations be acted upon before any new legislation can be considered. Until the Republicans permit an up or down vote on the hundreds of bills passed by the 111th House of Representatives, and the dozens of nominations sent to the 111th Senate by President Obama, nothing done by the 112th House can be considered by the Senate. If the Republicans want to insist upon following procedure, by all means, let us follow procedure.
It's called "hardball". Democrats may want to consider playing it.
Oh, and Mitch - WHERE ARE THE JOBS?
I have 2 unemployed siblings plus a brother - in - law.