Literally two minutes ago, I listened to Wolf Blitzer tell me that Democrats are "reeling" from their losses on Tuesday.
When I got home, the 4pm talking head spoke of the "reeling" Democrats and opined: What next?
On the morning news, I awoke to tales of "reeling" Democrats trying to figure out their next move.
I'm not reeling.
I didn't "reel" when I woke up on Wednesday. I had gone to bed on the East Coast before Nevada has been definitively called, and I checked that race while enjoying my coffee. I got dressed and I left the house for work, listening to news radio lament the case of "reeling" Democrats.
All I could think was - Boehner: Where are the Jobs??
Still not reeling, I went to work and I worked. I got things done, filed my October expense report, got some documentation ready for my client and chatted with co-workers about my Nov. 2 anniversary dinner (which was really nice). We talked politics, too. And, still not "reeling" -
I thought - Boehner: Where are the Jobs??
I came home last night and I watched a bunch of cable news. One of the MSNBC shows made the point that Democratic Blue Dogs from the House were now irrelevant (those that were left, of course), because Boehner didn't need them and wasn't about to reach out to them. Blue Dogs only matter or have power when they're the party in power, the analyst said. Huh. But I wasn't "reeling".
I was thinking - Boehner: Where are the Jobs??
Today I was really busy. And, as mentioned in my intro, I had news anchors assault me with news of my "reelingness" at least three times (but it could have been more). For a moment, I thought - "should I be reeling? Am I reacting to mildly to the election?". I answered myself: "No, you're not. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell got what they wanted: they think it's an increase in Republicans; but really, it's now responsibility for the US economy." Bout time.
So I aptly cried: Boehner: Where are the Jobs??
Right before the third time I was told I was "reeling", I read a comment in another diary:
I'm going to the first townhall Mica holds here. (2+ / 0-)
If he ever holds one that is. Call me a DeBagger. I'm going to raise as much hell with him as the bagger bastards did to us. I need about 15-20 people to make it effective but ONE (me) will do and I'm going. Let's see how they handle the pressure for a change and I may be arrested for my effort but screw 'em.
Republicans are the Dallas Cowboys of Politics - a lot of flash and no game.
by draa on Thu Nov 04, 2010 at 03:37:01 PM EDT
To which I replied:
This is a GREAT idea. (1+ / 0-)
You should start a Facebook page on it and others should do the same with REpublicans in/near their district. We should all show up holding signs that simply say "WHERE'S MY JOB?" or "YOU PROMISED JOBS" or "X DAYS SINCE YOU PROMISED JOBS & COUNTING". Don't ask any other questions than "Why aren't there more jobs? You promised us more jobs!!"
Want to buy my band's CD?
by RenaRF on Thu Nov 04, 2010 at 04:21:01 PM EDT
I rethought my reply slightly and decided that I should start a Facebook page that allows people to post where Republicans are holding town halls and encouraging local Democrats to show up at those town halls in force carrying signs that say "WHERE ARE THE JOBS???" and "YOU PROMISED US JOBS!!" and "X DAYS AND STILL NO JOBS!!". They should politely queue up to ask where the jobs are during Q&A and not relent until they get an answer.
All because I'm supposed to be "reeling" but instead decided to ask - Boehner: Where are the Jobs??
Update [2010-11-4 18:42:46 by RenaRF]: Didn't peg this one for the rec list - so thanks.
Additional comment: I'm as serious as a heart attack about deploying people to Republican town halls to carry "WHERE ARE THE JOBS?" signs and ask that same question. Join the FB group. I need people to post Republican town halls in their area and let others know so we can go all healthcare town hall on their ass and co-opt the narrative in a TRULY grassroots fashion.