Glenn Beck's hateful two-part Soros "series," which emulated Julius Streicher's Der Sturmer, culminated with the poisonous charge that Soros helped send Jews to the death camps.
After initially criticizing Beck, Abe Foxman of the ADL said in a statement to Salon that Beck "is a strong supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. . . . But I also believe that there are certain things he doesn't understand, which have led him to make insensitive remarks."
No Abe, Beck is no friend, but rather an enemy of Jews and anyone who believes in rationality, truth, civility and decency. How dare you purport to represent me, a Jew who strongly supports Israel, when you legitimize Beck's attempt to make Soros into 1984's Goldstein.
This is even worse that Foxman's stand on the Islamic Center on Park Place. One of the most depressing things I've witnessed over the past ten years is "pro-Israel" Jews allying with the right, giving ovations to the likes of Tom DeLay, and of course, partnering with Christian Zionists.
Israel has enough supporters that it does not need to ally with someone like Beck, who consistently pushes the envelope on hate speech. I don't care how opposed to Israeli policy Soros is, any Jew who does not recoil, reject and denounce the Soros series in the strongest terms is forfeiting the right to speak out against any prejudice.
(note -- Please try not to make this an over-the-top I-P or similar diary. I just wanted to make known Foxman's unbelievable genuflecting to a rancid version of Father Coughlin.)