Wow. There's just no bounds to the Republican talent for breath-taking hypocrisy:
Maryland physician Andy Harris (R) just soundly defeated Frank Kratovil, one of the most endangered Democrats on Capitol Hill going into the November election. And he did it in large part by railing against 'Obamacare' and pledging to repeal Health Care Reform. But when he showed on Capitol Hill today for an orientation for incoming members of Congress and their staffs, he had a different question: Where's my government health care?
...Harris created a stir at the orientation meeting by demanding to know why he had to wait a month after he was sworn in in January for his government-subsidized health care to kick in. After responding in a huff, he even asked if there was some way he could buy into the government care in advance, seemingly thinking there might be a government program similar to the so-called 'public option' championed by progressive Democrats in 2009.
He was apparently upset that he'd have to endure an entire 28 days without health care coverage.
Here's a quote from him during the campaign:
the answer to the ever-rising cost of insurance is not the expansion of government-run or government-mandated insurance but, instead, common-sense market based solutions that ensure decisions are made by patients and their doctors.
These are the people President Obama believes don't want to just obstruct, and that are going to want to engage constructively with him to get things done for the American people.
The 59 million Americans without health insurance would feel mighty fortunate if all they had to wait for an affordable government health care option was a mere 28 days, instead of until 2014, or maybe never, if Republicans like Andy Harris get their way.