Welcome to The Grieving Room.
Tonight's diary is coordinating with the memorial diary for exmearden. Memories and tributes to exme/Kris should be posted on that diary, for her family and loved ones to savor. Use this diary to discuss your sadness and grief over the loss of our friend, or for any loss you need to process among kindred spirits.
A special welcome to anyone who is new to The Grieving Room. We meet (virtually) every Monday evening. Whether your loss is recent or many years ago, whether you have lost a person or a pet, or even if the person you are "mourning" is still alive ("pre-grief" can be a very lonely and confusing time) you can come to this diary and process your grieving in whatever way works for you. Share whatever you need to share. We can't solve each other's problems, but we can be a sounding board and a place of connection. Please do not start or participate in pie-fights in the comments - it is as rude and as uncalled-for as starting an argument at a funeral. Take it to an open thread.
First off, to the faithful grievers who looked in vain for a diary last week, big apologies. I was late with my reminder email, and the scheduled diarist was juggling illness and a new job, and would likely have missed it, anyway. By the time I noticed it wasn't posted, it was too late to get one up. Onward...
Tonight, of course, I'm remembering my friend, exmearden, known in real life as Kris Froland. Just to clear up a common misunderstanding, Kris's username was meant to be thought of as "Exme Arden." I never did get her to explain the significance of the name, if any.
Kris's memorial diary is being posted concurrently - which you can link to here. It was a painful kind of pleasure to read through Kris's old TGR diaries to find the quotes I wanted for my eulogy. I hope that the ones I chose will encourage those who are hurting to re-read her all her grief diaries for comfort.
As I wrote above, we're hoping that Kris's family and non-dKos loved ones will be reading the memorial diary, so your tributes to our friend are most welcome over there (they're fine here, too). If you are in pain, and you'd rather deal with that away from the memorial, you've found the right place.
Similarly, if you are grieving other loved ones, here is the place to let it out: write about it, rant about it, cry about it, lay it out and examine it. Or lurk and read others' posts and see how your grief responds. There is no right or wrong way. If you're here, it's likely that you're hurting - a lot or a little, doesn't matter. We're glad you're among us.
Please do not hesitate because you'd like to discuss someone other than exmearden. Any grief is appropriate tonight, as it is every other Monday evening.
I don't know what tonight will be like... I am anxious and full of trepidation... it's hard to imagine that I have tears left to cry, but I'm sure it will happen, and soon.
Peace to all of you.