You might have seen Brad Johnson's hilarious story about how earlier this week Mike Huckabee angrily denied ever having supported cap and trade legislation despite clear video evidence to the contrary.
As funny as his false denial of the flip-flop is, when you watch the video, there's something at least as notable: Huckabee broke with conservative orthodoxy and admitted the climate change is real.
One thing that all of us have a responsibility to do is recognize that climate change is here, it's real. That what we have to do is quit pointing fingers as to who's at fault and recognize that it's all our fault and it's all our responsibility to fix it.
I also support cap and trade of carbon emissions. And I was disappointed that the Senate rejected a carbon counting system to measure the sources of emissions, because that would have been the first and the most important step toward implementing true cap and trade.
In fact, Huckabee didn't just admit that climate change is here. He urged people to accept the responsibility of acknowledging its reality, and as far as conservatives go, that's a far bigger problem than what he said about cap and trade.
On his cap and trade flip-flop, Huckabee could probably convince a conservative audience that when he said cap and trade, he meant something different than what Democrats mean why they say cap and trade.
But when he says that climate change is here, and climate change is real, that it's all our fault, and that we have to do something about it -- there's no spinning that, no parsing, no nuance. He said he believes in climate change and that he believes humans are to blame and there's no way for him to deny that.
Now, it's pathetic that something like this would be a big deal in conservative politics, but as you know, virtually no conservatives are willing to actually admit that climate change is real. Almost all of them believe it's a hoax. After all, who needs scientists when you have Sarah Palin, right? And crazy as it might sound, the fact that Mike Huckabee actually accepts the science behind global warming opens up a potent line of attack against him from his friends on the right.