Apparently DADT will be repealed today. This is very good news for gays and lesbians who want to serve in the military or are actually serving in the military. But now what?
The end of DADT as well as the fight for gay marriage in my view are not the end but the means by which the gay and lesbian community can achieve anti-discrimination and acceptance by the society at large. The GLBT movement in my view made a stragically right decision to chose to conservative instituions, the military and the monogamic marriage as two starting points to gain greater acceptance. The problem is that due to its whole structure the military will never be a progressive force in society.
Just one question: does it make a difference for someone illegally held in Guantanamo, if his ward can now have his or her coming out? I don't think so. Therefore I believe progressives should not give up on the idea, that much more important changes in military policy in the US is desperatly needed.
Next on the line is gay marriage, which I really support, but I'd like to remember everyone that when civil unions etc were first discussed, we were not only talking about civli unions between 2 people only.
The danger of the current trend in gay rights movement is that it will end up copying the very institutions it is trying to overcome, thus becoming a force of conservatism instead of liberalization.