While there's still a big question about whether Democrats can take over one or both chambers of Congress, there's no doubt that Dems will score HUGE in governors contests across the country.
Current map:
Dem Pickup opportunities
1. New York
2. Massachusetts
3. Ohio
4. Arkansas
5. Maryland
6. Colorado
7. Rhode Island
8. Minnesota
9. Nevada
10. Alaska
11. California
---- (Marginally competitive) -----
12. Florida
13. Georgia
14. Alabama
15. South Carolina
GOP Pickup Opportunities
1. Iowa
2. Illinois
3. Wisconsin
4. Michigan
---- (Marginally competitive) -----
5. Maine
6. Pennsylvania
7. Oregon
Current polls show the race in California tied, but I am a bit pessimistic given Arnold's incredible rebound from his resounding 2005 special election defeat. Unlike Bush, Schwarzenegger apologized to the people of California for his screwups and has demonstrably changed course. And amazingly enough, the people of California seem to be in a forgiving mood.
In Alaska, we still don't know if Gov. Frank Murwkoski (R) will run for reelection. Of course, considering SUSA pegs him at 23 percent approval rating, he's got problems either way.
The Republicans are nipping at the heel's in the states I list above, but I don't see their candidates bucking the national anti-GOP mood. At this point, I don't see any Republican pickups. Their challenge will be in minimizing the numbers of losses.
My Predicted Map, January 2007:
This map (which could, best case scenario, include a Blue California and Alaska) really highlights the problems we'll continue to face in the deep South, even as we chip away at the border states (Virginia, Tenesse, Arkansas) and the Mountain West.
2008 should present more woes for the GOP at the state level as they are forced to defend disgraced governors in Missouri and Kentucky (assuming they aren't in jail), as well as widespread voter discontent in Indiana.
Update: Sorry about the formatting problems for Firefox users.