I know the whole Star Wah thing can go too far, but at least it can provide a chuckle.
Crazed puritan is bad, but
fake crazed puritan who is really a drooling slimebag comfortable with porno stuff, is worse. Has Karl Rove gone nuts?
...Yeah, I know Bush didn't capture Mary Carey and put her in his cave, and she's no Leia in terms of virtue, either. Still, the "drooling slimebag" meme/theme is not a bad one to push, especially when Sponge Dobson is supposedly his guru, etc.
Or should the rev be called Loofah Dobson instead? Hey, maybe Dob wants to meet & greet Mary Carey! She's no Virgin Mary, but when the big money, porno or not, comes-a-callin'.....
Maybe Reid can do something with this. Like asking Santorum to condemn the porn star's visit...