It was 43 degrees and sunny, almost spring-like in New York today -- a perfect day to hit the streets and send a message to our those we elected to represent us in Washington:
We voted for change and we expect you to deliver. GET HEALTH REFORM DONE!
Today's march and rally was the NYC component of a national HCAN effort. There have been rallies and marches for the past few days all across the country.
In New York we planned a march across the Brooklyn Bridge to a rally in front of the headquarters of Wellpoint, the parent company of Anthem Insurance. We had a week to plan this event, and only had our locations nailed down four days ago. We weren't sure how it would turn out...
People were asked to arrive at the Brooklyn starting point at 11:30. By 11:35 there was already a crowd.
People from many different groups came, including HCAN, MoveOn, OFA, NYC for Change, National Physicians Alliance, Democracy for NYC, SEIU and others.
Many people brought their own signs with their own messages.
Some joined the effort one of our organizers came up with and carried an umbrella symbolizing the need for health care coverage for all Americans.
Others came up with unique ways to make their point.
At just past noon we started making our way to the bridge.
We were lead by members of the National Physicians' Alliance. These folks have been fighting for health care reform since November of 2008 -- like many of us, they won't stop until our country joins the rest of the civilized world and covers the health of its citizens.
Isn't this a beautiful sight?
The energy of the marchers was incredible.
We reached Manhattan and walked to the rally location: the headquarters of Anthem-Wellpoint...
...a perfect setting for the messages we wanted to convey.
Hey Democrats, CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?!