George W. Bush
Tax Cuts for the rich
Invading Iraq
"They will welcome us as liberators"
"The oil will pay for the war"
Mission Accomplished
Torture isn't a war crime cause my lawyer says so
Hurricane Katrina
"The fundamentals of the economy are strong"
Sarah Fucking Palin
Katie Couric - But are you ready to become the leader of the free world?
Sarah Palin - Totally. I will totally lead the world. Any world. I will lead Mars or whatever too if those guys need a world president. Or just a Mars president. I took on the ole' boys club in Alaska and I can take it on in Mars.
Katie Couric - But I'm not asking about being president of Mars.
Sarah Palin - But I am answering about being president of Mars because a president person needs to be prepared for anything. I like to reform.
Conservatives don't deserve respect. They deserve shame and to be loudly and openly mocked in public.
More ranting below the fold
Republicans ideas all SUCK for everyone who isn't a millionaire or a Corporate person/entity. These idiots are always wrong, and until they grab a mop and STFU, I encourage every one to openly disrespect them.
Death panels
"That sounds like socialism to me"
Fluoridated water is a commie plot to control you by stealing your purity of essence!
Screw respecting these idiots. We should laugh in their faces. All the time. We should mock this incarnation of the Republican party, the Conservative movement and all of their tea party astroturfed spinoffs. They are flat out clowns and we should talk down to them as if they were four years old.
Drill, baby, drill
Climate change/pollution is not real
Neither is evolution
"Deficits don't matter"
Deregulating works, just look at Wall St
Trickle down works, just ask your butler
"After taxes, a million dollars isn't really that much"
The "Big Tent" of Conservative ideological orthodoxy includes the John Birch Society, torturers, The Oath Keepers, birthers, racists, the ignorant and the paid shills of Corporate America, and they are always, always wrong.
They are total clowns. They deserve NOTHING except mocking and public shaming.
Your average Republican is a misinformed, low information voter who has been lied to so many times they can not tell up from down depending on the day. The idiots who sleepwalked through the "lost decade" of Bush years are masters of doublethink. Facts don't mean shit to these people, neither does reality. Frankly, I am tired of explaining myself to the crack pots and conspiracy theorists who dominate the Republican party along with the paid corporate shills who finance them and benefit the most from corporate Conservative rule. It is pointless. I would have better luck arguing with the dining room table, so instead, I am going to talk to hardcore conservatives like they are four years old.
Wingnut 4 yr old: I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!
Me: First STFU and clean up your room. Go grab a mop.
Wingnut 4 yr old: It's not FAIR Barry won! I want to be President too!
Me: No. Barry won, so Barry is in charge.
Wingnut 4 yr old: I'll hold my breath AND all of Barry's appointments! And I'll filibuster and block unemployment payments and kick and scream!
Me: Quit being a crybaby!
Wingnut 4 yr old: I want tax cuts for the rich AND a balanced budget
Me: You can't have both, and you just had tax cuts
Wingnut 4 yr old: Do it! Or I'll hold my breath AND all of Barry's appointments! And I'll filibuster and block unemployment payments and kick and scream!
Me: I don't care. Get your MOP and CLEAN YOUR ROOM.
Wingnut 4 yr old: I don't wanna go to my room! I am scared of the socialism, nazi's, fascist, Kenyans, commies, death panels and terrorists up there!
Me: Don't be such a chickenshit.
Wingnut 4 yr old: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA! I WANT MY TAX CUTS! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!!! And I'll hold my breath AND all of Barry's appointments! And I'll filibuster and block unemployment payments and kick and scream! And if not you are a Nazi, socialist, Kenyan . . . .
(Door slams in Wingnut 4 yr old's face)
Screw trying to reason with ignorance. It is a waste of time. These idiots are the 22% of Americans who thought Bush did a heckuvajob on 1/20/09. They will never get it. They suck at logic and reality, and everything they touch turns to EPIC FAIL.
I'm done with it, and I hope you are too. Conservatives deserve to sit at the kiddie table from now on, or at least until one of them starts acting like an adult. Until then they are all children and should be treated as such.
Respect just lends legitimacy to these clowns, legitimacy they do not deserve. Until conservatives come back to planet reality they should be laughed at, mocked and shamed. Yes, Conservatives, we're sorry you're stupid, but you're not allowed to hold back the rest of the class anymore. Besides, you are making us look bad in front of the other countries.
Enough bullshit from these crackpot conservatives. Either grab a mop or you can STFU and sit in the corner.
Katie Couric - And finally, where will you and John McCain take this country?
Sarah Palin - We are going to take it somewhere really nice. A nice place where all American taxpayer people will totally be like 'hey, hello, this is really nice.'" And then we'll take it from that really nice place and over to a nicer place, a super duper nice one. More super duper nice than my cousin Marge even. And the American taxpayer people will be like 'hey, this is a super duper nice place. More than Marge even.'" Reform.
Katie Couric - Thank you, Governor.
I can't wait to start my new job tomorrow.
Follow me @JesseLaGreca on Twitter!
UPDATE : Idiot childish wingnut hate makes me smile like waking up to fresh coffee
Enjoy the Moran Hatemail, it proves my point entirely -
You are a profound intellectua
Read your post on DailyKos. Your a stellar human being. Keep talking about George Bush-ignore the communist in the White House and the daily displays of stupidity.
"When I had a beat up car. I had cheap insurance. My car got hit. I called up to get it fixed. They laughed at me"-B Obama.
Uh, yea-you had collission only dufus.
"My health care plan will not add $1 to the deficit, I'm serious".-B Obama (let me guess you believe Nancy Pelosi who said it would immediately create 400,000 and save billions).
"If my stimulus bill is not passed unemployment will reach 8%" _B Obama
"$20 mm isn't that much. Baseball players make more and they don't make it to the World Series"--B. Obama justifying recent 20mm bonuses for Goldman execs
Let's have KSM trial in NY....
HOw's those foreclosures going?
How's Fannie Mae going-you know the Fannie mae that dems ran interference for that was the trigger of this economic meltdown that was run by the convicted crook Franklin Raines who then became an economic adviser to the Obama campaign?
How'd that cash for clunkers thing work out?
How about those, "No middle class tax increases" that Obama is now "agnostic on".
Tax cuts for the rich you say? First-poor people don't pay taxes . Second, after these cuts, tax receipts went up and the "rich" ended up paying a higher percentage of the total taxes collected.
Q: Do you have any idea what precent of taxes are paid by the top 10% ?
Q: Do you know the difference between wealth and income? I dno't think you do.
And . . . . .
What a great reflection you are on the KOS group as a whole. Keep up the good work.....Ignorant Fuck! :)
jeff childress (
My response . . . .
Gargle my oysters and enjoy your "communist" flouridated water, nutjob.
May the flies of a thousand camels breed in your colon
from: ministryoftruth AT live DOT com
Flat out idiots. Their not worth our respect. All they deserve is shame and scorn.
The people who would see you starving and homeless without pity + the people who put you there = the Conservative movement.
From kossack commenter taonow
"When do people get it that they're being led by the nose now by the same ones that put 'em in the holes they're in? That's what they should be angry about
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